AstroBomber wrote:
Gender is more than just anatomy. Anatomy means your sex, gender is moreso what you identify with. Like me, for example. I have completely female anatomy, but I identify more with males for some reason. I'm not sure why, I just do.
Learnt it somewhere.
a·nat·o·my (Ã natÆÃ m"), n., pl. -mies.
1. the science dealing with the structure of animals and plants.
2. the structure of an animal or plant, or of any of its parts.
3. dissection of all or part of an animal or plant in order to study its structure.
4. a plant or animal that has been or will be dissected, or a model of such a dissected organism.
5. a skeleton.
6. Informal. the human body.
7. an analysis or minute examination.
[1350–1400; ME < L anatomia < Gk anatom(£) a cutting up (ana- ANA- + tom- cut (var. of tem-) + -" n. suffix) + -ia -Y3]
ANAT'OMY, n. [Gr. through and to cut.]
1. The art of dissecting, or artificially separating the different parts of an animal body, to discover their situation, structure and economy.
2. The doctrine of the structure of the body, learned by dissection; as, a physician understands anatomy.
3. The act of dividing any thing, corporeal or intellectual, for the purpose of examining its parts; as, the anatomy of a plant, or of a discourse.
4. The body stripped of its integuments; a skeleton, or the corporeal frame of bones entire, without the skin, flesh and vessels; an improper use of the word, and vulgar.
5. Ironically, a meager person.
Main Entry:
anat·o·my Listen to the pronunciation of anatomy
Inflected Form(s):
plural anat·o·mies
Late Latin anatomia dissection, from Greek anatomē, from anatemnein to dissect, from ana- + temnein to cut
14th century
1: a branch of morphology that deals with the structure of organisms2: a treatise on anatomical science or art3: the art of separating the parts of an organism in order to ascertain their position, relations, structure, and function : dissection4obsolete : a body dissected or to be dissected5: structural makeup especially of an organism or any of its parts6: a separating or dividing into parts for detailed examination : analysis7 a (1): skeleton (2): mummy b: the human body
— an·a·tom·i·cal Listen to the pronunciation of anatomical \ˌa-nə-ˈtä-mi-kəl\ or an·a·tom·ic Listen to the pronunciation of anatomic \-ˈtä-mik\ adjective
— an·a·tom·i·cal·ly Listen to the pronunciation of anatomically \-mi-k(ə-)lē\ adverb
a·nat·o·my [ə náttəmee]
(plural a·nat·o·mies)
1. study of structure of body: the branch of science that studies the physical structure of animals, plants, and other organisms
2. physical structure of organism: the physical structure, especially the internal structure, of an animal, plant, or other organism, or of any of its parts
3. book about anatomy: a book or other written work about the physical structure of animals, plants, or other organisms
4. body: the human body (informal)
5. analysis: a detailed analysis of something
[14th century. Via French anatomie and late Latin anatomia < Greek anatomē "cutting up" < temnein "to cut"]
-a·nat·o·mist, , n
From the 16th century to the early 19th century anatomy was used to mean "skeleton," and in this sense it was often misinterpreted as an atomy, as if the initial an- were the indefinite article: "My bones...will be taken up smooth, and white, and bare as an atomy," Tobias Smollett (1755).