I am a believer.
I'd like to think that a superhuman being is about to help things. Otherwise i would give up hope.
Humans can fix flat tyres and do a lot of other miracles. For everything else, see above.
I have the greatest respect for atheists. They feel allright if the other view is taken. most atheists I've met are kind and helpful, but some are antagonistic to believers. I am in clined to call them antitheists.
I've the greatest respect for agnostics too. My brother is one. I would be one if I hadn't had so much evidence for God in my life, through Jesus Christ. I have respect for other religions, only in the ways they make this world better, if we could all love each other as brothers and sisters and get along, respecting each others views and cultures, or none. i do not have to prove my beliefs, that is where faith comes in. after all, whose faith is it anyway? Mine, not yours. It is a personal matter.
I hope to meet all who believe in afterlives after, if they wish to meet me.
i hope this is ok.
I hope Pugly finds a bathroom, or it will be messy!