I wrote this poem on factory farming. Do you like it? Is there anyway that I could improve it?
Awakening in the morning,
not to see the sunrise,
but to see another carcas of your own kind.
Walking to get water,
not from the fresh lake,
but from bowls liquid glowing red at all angles.
Taking a first step,
not followed by another,
but the cracking sound of your legs breaking.
Staying there to rest,
not to re-energize,
but in hope that you will take your last breath.
Woke up after that,
not to be in heaven,
but the dark place that you never have left.
One step from water,
not to take it in grace,
but to cry in complete agony of one's body.
Clucking at the human,
no not for food,
but pleading to not get jabbed with needles.
Shuting one's eyes,
not to rest or sleep,
but to cease to exist and rott like the rest.
I = Vegan!
Animals = Friends.