If you don't mind a small but related hijack:
Nebula wrote:
"Please feel free to comment on it and ask questions as I'm not the best at raving about my work due to being more of a visual thinker than a verbal thinker."
Nebula, I've always thought I was simply too shy or too aspie to be a good self-promoter, but I never thought it was because I was a visual thinker over verbal thinker. Although I have been feeling that blogging and copywriting for sale purposes is not for me, and that most craigslist ads for employment are full of unneccessary words and even paragraphs. I think you're on to something. That's an interesting insight, have you heard of this theory anywhere else that I could follow up on it? And now, since you've got me thinking about it for my own stuff, have you thought of advertising your work...visually? Posting or distributing your work on flyers, etc. with little copy, playing up the mystery a little bit? Visual press releases?
Nice use of color, btw. Is your avatar one of your paintings as well?