The Xbox 360 will die off unless Halo 3 is in fact the second coming. Even then it'll do poorly in Japan. The inability of the system to run all of its Xbox games (and not even the good ones at that; too bad if you want to play Shenmue II, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Metal Slug 3, Jet Set Radio Future, or Alien Hominid. Hope you like Kabuki Warriors, Barbie Horse Adventures, Drake of the 99 Dragons, and Shadow the Hedgehog) is just sick and though I'm no expert in console design, at least a system's disc reader shouldn't scratch discs so that they become unplayable!
Nintendo's system has potential yet also seems like it could flop spectacularly. When hearing of launch titles like Bob Ross' Painting, you think wtf, but the supporting Genesis&Turbografix 16x games makes me a happy consumer (Glory to Gunstar Heroes and Contra III and Dracula X: Rondo of Blood, and Bonk's Adventure, and Raiden, and Alien Soldier). If by an act of emulation ingenuity they manage to offer Saturn Games for download, I do not care if everything else sucks because I need to get my fix of Dynamite Deka, Virtua Fighter 2, Radiant Silvergun, Wachenroder, Shining Force III, and Sakura Taisen. Additionally, that Smash Bros Revolution is a launch title will boost sales some.
PS3 looks very tempting when it finally comes out. No regional lockout, full backwards compatibility, yet it seems so...expensive; why spend that much for a console that will be limited to 640x480 resolution at best? Metal Gear Solid is a movie, not a game (Kojima seems more interested in putting some long elaborate plot; I'm the type who is satisfied with the plot "Ninjas have kidnapped the president. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue him?") and I'm not interested in Killzone III (shooters are best done on a computer). Ratchet&Clank became a joke with Rachet: Deadlocked (screw the exploration, we'll just have him blow things up), so this only leaves God of War 2...I'll probably get one if the region-free nature also works with PS1&2 games (I want NamcoxCapcom, Bishi Bashi Special, and whatever Super Robot Wars title I can pick up!)