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01 May 2006, 12:10 pm

Coyote: That's a great list!

Thank you! But, how could i forget about "specifics interests".... :roll:

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01 May 2006, 12:24 pm

can i be3 in this movie?

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01 May 2006, 1:08 pm

can i be3 in this movie

Absolutetly ! Just give your storys, ideas, opinions and time to the project.


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02 May 2006, 11:46 pm

Sounds fantastic. What you should do is film 2-4 Aspies travelling around a school at different age groups and recording made up conversations that a lot of them have. Then get them to narrate there thoughts on most aspects of there week as the filming all the details. I made up an example of what I think most days:

As talking to this girl:

me: 'bombs are cool, you just think to into the detail that many die from bombs but you are not thinking of the big picture which is one hell of an exciting explosion'
Subject B: 'no there not, they, like, kill people and are like, dangerous' (in a ditzy voice)
my thoughts narrative: 'I would kill that word 'like' if it didn't help me so much in writing such as similiys and to explaining what some thing is like. This b***h doesn’t even know how to speak properly how do I react to this'
Me: 'just because you are one sided and are very much not open minded'
Subject B: 'no I am like, just saying the truth, just because you don’t like it'
my thoughts narrative: 'I know this maybe true but this in no denieing the fact I have a knife in my bag and I am getting pissed off at her....wait I shouldn't be thinking of what I am thinking off....but how sweet revenge is'
Me: 'just get back to your work and while you’re at it stop complaining about the teacher she dose her job that’s all that matters.’
Subject B: ‘would you mind your own business’
Me narrative: ‘I would if she didn’t complain about the teacher so often its almost impossible to deny that she is destroying my patience with her small mind’

I could go on for ever but you see what I mean.

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03 May 2006, 1:24 pm

You know what? If you really want to get the awareness of our differences out, making a story film probably will not cut it. It's going to have to be something much more dramatic than a typical movie. I'm talking about creating a documentary. We could grab hold of a producer and director, and then we could be interviewed. This newfound movie could then talk about the problems that we face in the NT world everyday, focus on the details of our accords amongst one another. It could focus on how we're presented in the overall media, and then attempt to convince the public that the media has a very one-sided view of who we are. The documentary could go further and rip apart Dr. Phil and Geraldo on they viewed AS traits, and then show our successes. Now, I bet we may be able to get Steven Spielberg on board. He's diagnosed with AS. I believe he's both a producer and a director. He could be the host. And then we're set.

- Ray M -


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06 May 2006, 10:47 pm

coyote wrote:
A little quick brainstorming.....

List of things that should be treated (as already mentionned for some):

Cure vs anti-cure
reaction to diagnostic
parent (of a newly diagnosed child) in denial
Aspie diversity
What's common in aspie and what's not
Difference is not wrong
Savant skills
sensory overload (all senses)
theory of mind deficit
eye contact
Stereotyped movement
CAPD (Central auditory processing deficit)
Visual thinking
Literal interpretation
Non-verbal (giving and understanding), posture
feel free to add

So to treat all of that we would need many Aspie caracters. I search a good context for that, first i thought "once upon a time, there was an Aspie group....". But i think this would automaticaly label the movie as "outsider" in NT's mind.... And suddenly i had this idea:

All aspie movie to date goes about the main caracter being an aspie and how he strugles thru an NT world... let reverse that. The main caracter is in the middle of a big family (lets say 7 or 8 child). They all displays various AS traits except him. He's the only pure NT in all that family. Now, because of dad's work assignation, they move in a new town (some kind of fictious "Silicon Valley"....). Important: they don't know about AS and it is not mentionned at the begining, a good part of the movie would be the diagnosting process and how it is accepted (or denied) by each member...

Oh! A last thing i thought of about logistics: If this really starts up we should not post specific content here..... Personnal message or a way of controling access to that thread or .... ?

Obsessions 8)


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10 May 2006, 7:14 pm

This is my idea:

making a documentary about... Wrongplanet, of course, filming and/or interviewing posters from different parts of the world and different backgrounds in general who concurr here - then making a personal encounter with all of them or us? ---> by posters I mean essentially aspies (diagnosed or undiagnosed). Not that I don't like parents or other people talking, but because I think the purpose would be showing the point of view of the actual aspie.

I think is more important to show part of our lives so people can see how it is, our projects, everything that's important to us and that we would like people to see (which means this is not a reality). It would be more interesting than hearing a lot of talk and talk from doctors, parents, teachers, etc...

It would be cool if soundtrack, editing, directing and all the things ending with ing, in few words, the making of the movie were made by us, or by aspie people.

Another good idea would be inserting things that would make them have aspie-like reactions, like very burning colors, or a loud noise somewhere, etc...


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11 May 2006, 5:44 pm

hecate wrote:
Drucella wrote:

i would think that, too, if i knew as little as you do.

Sorry, but I'm inclined to agree with Drucella on this one.

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11 May 2006, 9:24 pm

Yupa wrote:
hecate wrote:
Drucella wrote:

i would think that, too, if i knew as little as you do.

Sorry, but I'm inclined to agree with Drucella on this one.

Dru and Yupa, I'm sorry i don't think "bull****" is something that represents us (aspies) very well, i'm not the only one who will decides on the content of the movie but for me, i don't think this have a place in it.

Feel free to submit other ideas.


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12 May 2006, 6:27 pm

coyote wrote:
Feel free to submit other ideas.

Hmm, well I recently saw this video called "Camera Chain" or "Chain Camera" or something like that that was about high school stuents who were each allowed one day with a camera so that they could film a few minutes or so of their lives before the camera passed to another student.
We could do something like that with members of this site, maybe aiming towards the point of convincing the masses that there's little to nothing wrong with most aspies (other than the normal kinds of problems most NTs go through) and/or that AS doesn't need to be "cured."
It could work.


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13 May 2006, 11:14 pm

Maybe a movie from a book about a person with an ASD (like "A Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nightime" or another), or maybe a movie about a teenager in highschool with Asperger's and maybe their teacher has AS as well, for instance. I was just thinking of a plot structure idea, since I do like this thought about us making a movie. If we were to do so, we'd probably have to ask someone to write the story line and what not and then show it to a movie-making company, since movies can be very expensive and time-consuming.

I'm 24 years old and live in WA State. I was diagnosed with Asperger's at 9. I received a BS in Psychology in 2011 and I intend to help people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, either through research, application, or both. On the ?Pursuit of Aspieness?.

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23 May 2006, 7:03 pm

[Medium shot of a man standing outside an airplane restroom. Ominous synth music starts to play.]

Man (loudly): "C'mon!"

[The man bangs three times on the door. A few seconds pass, then the door opens. Gary Numan stands in the doorway, looking at something offscreen while squirting Purell into his hands. A few more seconds pass, then Gary briefly looks up at the man, as if noticing him for the first time. He immediately looks away.]

Gary (low voice): "Don't go in there."

[Gary walks past the man, who backs away, an expression of horror on his face.]

[Cut to long shot of cabin interior. Half the passengers are rocking in their seats, bumping the seats in front of them, or flapping their hands in front of their faces. The other half of the passengers are staring at them in terror. Suddenly, everyone starts screaming and panicking, and the lights start to flicker for no apparent reason.]

[Cut to closeup of Craig Nicholls, seated not-quite-upright next to a window amidst the ensuing chaos.]

Craig: "Dude, I picked the wrong time to give up pot smoking."

[A hand clasps Craig's shoulder from the seat behind him.]

VO: "No, you didn't, son... trust me."

[Craig looks back and up to see who is speaking. The camera slowly pans up, following his gaze. We see Dan Aykroyd, wearing a blue policeman's uniform, smiling benignly down at Craig.]

[Cut to medium shot of the cockpit of the plane. Stephen Hawking is sitting here in his wheelchair.]

Stephen: "Someone. Had. Better. Get. All. These. G*d. D*mn. Aspies. Off. This. Mutha. F*ck*ng. Plane. Exclamationpoint. Exclamationpoint. Exclamationpoint. Eleven. Exclamationpoint."

[Cut to Title Screen:

Stephen Hawking's ASPIES ON A PLANE
in theaters Summer 2007]

It is an act of faith to assert that our thoughts have any relation to reality at all. - G. K. Chesterton


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27 May 2006, 12:53 pm

What we really need to do is to fundraise for some video artist to travel and create a montage of clips of various people on this site. The first step is to raise funds for the costs of production. We could set up a nonprofit company in one of our countries and then select a trustee or committee to watch over the funds and other administrative duties.


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28 May 2006, 12:34 am

A few thoughts

One thing we could do is have a series of submissions. Each person can do something a little different. It could then be distributed as some sort of collection.

Another thought is what is the objective. Do we want to inform? Provoke thought? Kill some time?
(This is not neccesarily a question that needs answering. The answer would vary :P)

I'm seeing this as a contrast between something 'artsy' vs 'documentary'. Do we use metaphors, or do we just present things as are?

I'm planning to do a series of flash animations somewhere down the line. Not going to start until I've really hammered down the details and gotten some actual talent. Figure something about Asperger's Syndrome might be a good place to start.


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28 May 2006, 3:47 am

Yupa wrote:
hecate wrote:
Drucella wrote:

i would think that, too, if i knew as little as you do.

Sorry, but I'm inclined to agree with Drucella on this one.

Your such a pair of p*****s you know that

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28 May 2006, 8:48 am

Please, no battle here !


One of my initial ultimate goal here is to stop the bullying we're subjected to and to gain respect, at large.

All, don't stop to submit ideas. This is progessing.... good!!