Scoots5012 wrote:
I have that song.
The lyrics are very sad indeed.
The production is annoying though. During the whole song, except for the chorus, the vocals are on the right channel, and the music on the left channel.
A good many Beatles songs where recorded that way, partly because stereo sound was just coming into it's own in the 60's, and that was one way to make sure it was noticed.
However, for somebody that is very sensitive to stuff like that, it can be grating. To me, it doesn't overshadow the great music.
I have a very vaired collection. Mainly oriented towards rock, from the 50's to the present. However, I also have a lot of country, hip-hop, classical, techno, etc.
The discs I burn reflect this, as I go from Garth Brooks to Marilyn Manson to Ludacris to Bach from track to track.
About the only thing I don't tend to care for is MTV style teenie-pop, and thats mainly because the music is meaningless and completely faked.
I am indeed a "proud aspie".
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