Mixed, is the term, I believe - pretty much ambidextrous but my brain has assigned tasks to each hand. I'm capable of doing most things equally well with both, but they feel right in one hand and wrong in the other. I guess I'd have to say right dominant though becauseI write with that hand, and actually that's one of the few things at which I'm not eqaully competent with both. Right eye dominant but only because that's the least myopic eye - before I changed my glasses, my left needed a lens -0.25 stronger than it was, but my right needed a -0.50. Whilst wearing those glasses I was left-eye dominant, therefore I assume my brain just takes whichever's clearest - and right now, that's my right eye because my left needs a lens a little stronger, but not strong enough to warrant an extra -0.25. If that makes any sense.
My left arm has more muscle than my right though - I carry th heaviest things in my left, an I've plyed the violin for almost 10 years now anyway
Spectrumite ... somewhere.