I'm a music collector and the Beatles are very important to modern music, so YEAH I have multiple copies of all their albums, CDs, LPs R2R tapes. My favorites are Rubber Soul, Sgt Peppers, and their swan song, Let It Be. Oh and the White Album, Abbey Road, HELP, Magical Mystery Tour. ... and don't forget ... well you get it.
McCartney's early solo material recorded in his garage/basemenet is the best of his solo career, IMNSHO.
I really wish Ringo had done more with his time the last 20 years. He's great, but there's no excuse for not sharing his talent, more. If only ...
John also had recorded many songs of just himself, but they are under control of Yoko and we may not see them for years. I believe she has held them in secret as a way of imbedding privacy and secrecy as a part of the artistic expression they contain. We may never know.
George always had a way of expressing his 'blue' nature in a way that will live on past the lifespan of his fans. Even his 'happy' songs seem to have a dark and forboding undercurrent.
I was 7 yrs old with a 4 pound transistor radio plastered to my head constantly playing doowop when I first heard the Beatles. I have literally thousands of different recordings (over 40,000 songs available on my computer network alone) from all genres of music to listen to any time I want and I still choose the Beatles at least once a week for a spin or two. Oh, yeah! I'm a fan. 
It's just music for me. The other stims don't work.