QueenoftheOwls wrote:
As an adult aspie, let me add some in-put. I always knew that I was different than others-at least from elementary shool on. Although intellectually advanced I was never permitted to "skip' grades, as was the common practice back in the l960's, and when I asked my parents why, they told me that the school officials had labelled me as "emotionally immature." How can a second grader be "emotionally immature?" I didn't know what that meant, but I knew it meant something bad. becuase I was "left behnd " with my own age group, I became bored and disruptive in classes, and was often sent to the principal's office or made to stand out in the hall. Then the schoolyard bullies saw that I was different and in need of a little atitude adjustment, so they started harassing me, and taunting me, and you know how something like this spreads like wildfire.
I was never good at sports; I was born legally blind. But the part I quoted above - I could have written that. One of my teachers tested me, and I was reading at a college level by fourth grade (I went into first grade able to read anything in Reader's Digest) - but they didn't let me jump ahead because I was "emotionally immature". Not that keeping me stuck in classes where I was bored to death and surrounded by bullies ever helped me mature, emotionally or any other way...
Only, as I posted earlier in this thread, I knew I was "different" so far back I can't even recall when I first realised it, or what prompted me to think this way. By the age of two or three, I knew that I had to hide myself - who I really was - even from my parents. I rocked and spun and twirled in private, I (mostly) banged my head against walls in private (since that was triggered by frustration, I didn't always manage to hide it), and as I got older, I learned to throw out a "smoke screen" to keep people guessing about me.
AQ Test = 44 Aspie Quiz = 169 Aspie 33 NT EQ / SQ-R = Extreme Systematising
Not all those who wander are lost.
In the country of the blind, the one eyed man - would be diagnosed with a psychological disorder