Volodja wrote:
That doesn't mean they're not bisexual though
Most bisxual people have a preference one way or the other
This. Exactly.
Different sexes bring different things, bisexuality is different shades of grey rather than black or white.
I personally am attracted to and have sex with both sexes, but wouldn't want to date a woman as on the whole I prefer romantic relationships with men and just sex with women...not that I'm some sort of chauvinist, it's just preference. I have a couple of male bisexual friends who are both very much into sex and relationships with men but one is married to a woman and the other seeks a female partner long-term - that doesn't mean they're not bisexual, it just means they either A. just so happen to fall in love with females over males, B. have a preference for females over males, or C. have a preference for females over males for a particular kind of relationship.
There is no truth to the generalisation that bisexuals are greedy.
Bisexuals are no more greedy than any other sexuality, being attracted to more than one sex or gender doesn't mean anything different to liking blonds and brunettes, liking both doesn't mean we get both, and bisexuals aren't all polyamorous....now
they are greedy...but hey; more power to them!
Nice little True/False post on Bisexuality from Scarleteen -
Bi the Dozen: A Bisexuality Quiz
Good-looking girls break hearts, and goodhearted girls mend them.