murphycop wrote:
visagrunt wrote:
murphycop wrote:
If someone has a sex change, or sees themselves as the opposit sex they were born as, I thought thats the gender they want to be seen as. But what, people actually want to be seen as trans now? Its just a case of society going mad. Its a trend.
I disagree, murphycop. If a woman has reassignment surgery but does not undergo a phalloplasty, I think it is fair for him to describe himself as an FTM or trans-man. Even if he does have phalloplasty, I think he is still entitled to call himself by a label that fits.
I don't see this as a trend, but rather a change in our society's understanding if social sex roles and physiological sex.
So what are they, gender benders? Its just another case of society gone made in my view. If they feel inside they are the opposite to what they were born as, then they are either that gender or the one they are currently, nothing in between.
So because you don't get think it's your duty to harass them about it?
And if you think it's society gone mad* you think it's your job to dictate what sanity is?
*correct me if you actually meant "made" and explain further...but I'm assuming you meant mad.
Wherever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings. ~Heinrich Heine, Almansor, 1823
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