My cousin (mothers side) David had dyslexia.
My cousin (mothers side) Pamela is agoraphobic.
My uncle (dads side) has dissociative identity disorder (split personalities).
A guy in my sign language class has ADHD.
My mothers ex's daughter Paige is LF autistic.
My ex-flatmate Lisa generally has every mental health problem under the sun.
My ex-boyfriend Andrew is manic-depressive.
My ex-boyfriend Warren is HF autistic and also suffers from post traumatic stress.
My ex-boyfriend Graham has OCD, he also had some other mental health problem that he refused to discuss, I half suspect split personalities as his personality could shift very radically, but it's very likely that he actually suffered from schizophrenia.
In college I trained to be a teacher in the special needs classes on campus, we had about 20 students with various mental, emotional, physical and educational problems and of various ages, I remember we had a few kids with downs syndrome, possibly a couple of autistic students, and I think one girl had cerebral palsy...I think she may have also gone to my primary school for a very short time.
You know, starting my reply to this post I was struggling to think of more than two people.
Good-looking girls break hearts, and goodhearted girls mend them.