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what do your bedrooms/house/apartments look like?
I have everything really organized and neat 6%  6%  [ 7 ]
I have everything really organized and neat 6%  6%  [ 7 ]
It's a bit messy, but nothing too gross 17%  17%  [ 20 ]
It's a bit messy, but nothing too gross 17%  17%  [ 20 ]
It's really messy but I still know where things are 18%  18%  [ 22 ]
It's really messy but I still know where things are 18%  18%  [ 22 ]
I found a chair that I never knew I had yesterday when I was looking for my pokemon cards 9%  9%  [ 11 ]
I found a chair that I never knew I had yesterday when I was looking for my pokemon cards 9%  9%  [ 11 ]
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Tufted Titmouse
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21 Jan 2005, 4:54 pm

I keep meaning to tidy my bedroom.....

I can't remember what colour the carpet is....


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21 Jan 2005, 5:25 pm

I'd like to get things organized or at least a little more so than it is. But wanting and doing are two different things. It would probably help if I either had less stuff or more room though. I had to go with the bottom choice though it was a close call, because it is essentially chaotic to put it mildly. Once a year or so, I can literally take 2 or three full bags of garbage out my room and it barely makes a dent, and I can also sell, toss, or move a few boxloads worth of things and at best at least make paths in my room. And yes, everyone once in awhile I find things I either did not know I had or forgot I had or lost many years ago. Ooh scary. My mom used to close my door when company was over because it was too bad to even look at, not really any better now.

Sea Gull
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21 Jan 2005, 6:18 pm

I love order, and I won't stand for it very long if I find that my living space is even slightly cluttered. If I find anything in my apartment that doesn't have a functional use, it will almost certainly find its way into the garbage in no time flat.


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03 Feb 2005, 5:39 pm

Though I like things organized, my room looks like the San Francisco earthquake site right after its arrival in the early 1900s.


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03 Feb 2005, 8:29 pm

I have to have everything neat and orderly. I'm so bad, if a bedroom closet isn't shut completely, I can't sleep.

I have everything filed. I don't hold on to much, if it won't be needed now or in the future, I throw it away.

Of course being a minimalist doesn't hurt either! :lol:


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04 Feb 2005, 1:28 am

JayShaw wrote:
If I find anything in my apartment that doesn't have a functional use, it will almost certainly find its way into the garbage in no time flat.

And if I'm in the same situation, I just leave it there in case I find a use for it one of these years.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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05 Feb 2005, 8:49 pm

Like many others, my room falls into the 'Hit by a bomb' category. :(

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05 Feb 2005, 8:53 pm

To the untrained eye, I appear to be extremely untidy, but within that untidiness is a very strictly controlled order... I don't care about the outside appearance of things, but only about their innate internal orderliness to me, personally - does that make sense?

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24 Aug 2023, 11:06 pm

My room is a little messy because I have a lot of things in there, but I do try to keep my stuff as organized as I can.

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25 Aug 2023, 7:00 am

My home (and my room) look very messy, but I know where everything is. :D And if anyone opens a cupboard or drawer they're find everything neatly stacked and organized inside. We're only messy on the outside, mostly with stuff that need to be recycled. I've seen people with very neat homes but they can never find stuff.

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25 Aug 2023, 8:44 am

My front room a few years ago. It's slightly better now, but only just


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25 Aug 2023, 9:05 am

I tend to have things neat, as I lose track and become overwhelmed when I don't know where things are.

I have a place for everything.


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25 Aug 2023, 9:42 am

My room is typically cluttered but clean. That is to say, I clean it but things don't get put away.


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25 Aug 2023, 7:38 pm

Messy, unless it is a shared area. Then I extremely neat, and clean.

One thing I've noticed is when I set things down, it is sat down in an organized way, and that can be a problem. I'll set down a TV remote or my phone and always line straight edges up with the surface it rests on. I don't think about it. It's automatic. The problem is if I set my phone or remote down on a black or dark surface, it becomes almost invisible because the straight edges line up with the environment.

The messy comes in when things get shifted around.

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26 Aug 2023, 6:18 am

Both. My home is rather full of stuff, it doesn't get cleaned or redecorated very often, but most of my stuff is where it is for a reason. I usually work fairly clean so that there isn't a lot to clear up after the job's done. But as a perfectionist I expect I'll always see it as a mess. My mother used to make herself (and everybody else) miserable by working like mad to keep the parental home tidy, and I certainly fall short of her performance. Part of me feels guilty about that, another part of me feels glad that I didn't make myself miserable. I guess these things are subjective, and how it's judged is mostly down to cultural attitudes. I know people (self included) who find my place too scruffy for them, and I know people who don't have a problem with it.