2. Patterns. I get drawn into patterns, and the ground usually has intricate ones (floor tiles, sidewalk brickjs, etc).
Yes, I look at the ground and see patterns, too. My eyes always flit around wildly when following them. Sometimes I get odd visual distortions looking at them, though
I also frequently look at the ground... For one thing, lights are often quite overwhelming and it helps to keep my head down, and for another, it helps me keep my balance and not trip over things (as a few others have claimed as well).
Same here, codeman. It's also hard for me to see so much at once, and focusing on the ground is much easier than taking in all the people, buildings, trees, cars, ect, especially when people or cars are rushing past me.
I've gotten a bit better at looking straight ahead, like Melvis said, by blocking everything out.
I like to look up more than down to the ground because up there, there is the sky and I am into astronomy.
I also tend to look up at the sky a lot.