Don't you just hate heterosexuals sometimes?

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17 Aug 2012, 5:49 pm

MightyMorphin wrote:
The ignorant ones that is. Who deny that transgenderism is real, and deny that females have feelings for females, and males have feelings for males.

It is easy to deny something that they cannot directly experience. Being trans, I just bust a gut. I don't find it angering. Their audacity in "knowing" things they can never experience; it's hilarious. It is a trait among the religious.

MightyMorphin wrote:
I don't understand what they can't accept about that? It's just pure ignorance! I for one, blame religion. If there was no religion, there would be none of this. People are only homophobic because of the so called stories in the Christianity bible, and then people have been brain fed this information.

I bet if religion was entirely scrapped, there would still be homophobia. The vast majority of human societies value others who produce children. Being a homosexual or transgender, you are very unlikely to attempt to produce biological children. A lot of parents have a hard time with this; even the most open minded and accepting ones.

I don't like religion as a whole either, I always need to be on guard, but it isn't the fault of all homophobia. It just makes it more acceptable to express.

MightyMorphin wrote:
Can you honestly blame so many LGBT's for being Atheist? Fair play if you are still religious and LGBT, but I don't see the point.

The churches against LGBT really don't care if these people become atheist by their actions or not; otherwise they'd change to at least become more respectful and sensitive to their plights.

There are many liberal churches and places of worship. Many of the actual LGBT Christians were a part of that community. Believe me, if they'd experience half of the stuff most LGBT youth experience the majority would give up on religion for a lifetime.

To be completely honest, it's been a long time since I've been openly discriminated against by a religious person. Hell would freeze over before I let them get away with it.

MightyMorphin wrote:
I am not hating on religion by the way. I just f*cking hate some religious people for the way they go about things when it comes to LGBT politics.

Come now, admit it. You do hate religion or are at least very angry with it. You wouldn't be swearing if you did not. Don't feel too bad. I almost do myself. They've done something to make your life more difficult. Them wanting to control your life breeds resentment which breeds anger which can, in turn, breed hate.

I'm still in stage one; resentment. If they do anything else to upset me, it will turn into pure hatred and contempt.