Thank you for your reply, Lottiotta.
Yea, I figure there's never going to be true happiness, no matter what I do.
Though, if I had the money, I would get this stuff done and leave, start elsewhere as someone else.
I have Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome so I desperately want a surgery to remove everything.
It's actually painful most of the time. It totally effs up my hormones enough.
Trust me, I hate where I live. I hate the U.S.
The UK sounds more lenient towards transgenders?
There are regulations up the arse no matter what you do here.
Insurance wouldn't pay for this stuff cause it's not considered necessary.
They'll pay for drugs and who knows what else, but not that even if it
IS the cause of depression.
I know what you mean, at least a flat chest and organs that make me more female
is just extra baggage I hate cause I like to run and it hurts.
I'd rather be gender-neutral
since I'll never be a true guy.
Dude, lemme know when you get good, maybe you can do it. xD haha. I think someone
that understands what the patient is going thru would make things a lot better than
dealing with NTs.
Makes me wanna move to Europe or Asia, any place but here.