Hmm, well being gay hasn't always been all sunshine and rainbows for me. With a traumatic physical attack and persistent homophobia that has occurred in my life. Despite this, I would imagine that ASD would be harder.
Being trans must be fairly rough though. Earlier in the year I went with my friends to a nightclub. Some of my friends are trans. We ran into trouble with some bouncers. They were guarding the toilets and stopped my friends from going into the men's toilets. Both are trans men.
So we got into an argument about the gender of my friends. One of them told us it was OK and that he was used to it. That he'd just use the ladies'. However, the other was shaken by the experience and decided to leave the club early.
Unfortunately, when someone appears androgynous enough they can get judged either way. In situations where my friend isn't allowed in the men's, he might also get judged for being in the women's toilets. Sometimes he passes as cis. I would say that his appearance tends to give the impression of a young feminine guy or a masculine woman to others. A few people stare, seemingly trying to figure out which. People might even assume that we're hooking up in the toilets if we go in together if they read him as male. Yet he's not allowed in the men's sometimes so it's a lose-lose situation.
We went to get food afterwards and a couple of guys we didn't know came up and asked us why my friend had a male name, so he explained about being trans. They kept calling him she which was rather annoying. I'd understand if it was a few times, but it was near constant.
Then they started bothering me, calling me a toff. We were hanging out with a girl with a posh accent that differed from mine. So they joked "Heh, we've got two toffs here, perfect match innit", which I awkwardly politely laughed at. They were off the mark though. My other friend and the girl are unofficially a couple. If anything I was the third wheel in this situation. Although I'll admit to briefly considering asking if I could kiss her when I was a bit drunk, but I didn't. She's cute, kind and unpredictable. I can understand why he likes her.
Some of my friends have been on the waiting list to start hormones for 2-4 years.
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25. Near the spectrum but not on it.