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09 Apr 2013, 7:12 am

meems wrote:
CSBurks wrote:
I don't put any credence in religion.

But we shouldn't get our moral values from animals, obviously. Our closest relatives, chimps, will go into another group's territory and slaughter as many enemy chimps as possible.

That said I don't buy the natural law argument against homosexuality, which basically says that homosexuality is wrong because they can't procreate and the purpose of sex is reproduction.

Based on that argument using contraceptives is wrong. It is also wrong in one of the couples is infertile. If one comes to the conclusion that ALL of these are wrong, then one is logical. If not, one is illogical.

Wait, did we get that idea from the chimps or does that also come naturally to humans? :P

Well, it's very interesting because we evolved from a common ancestor of chimps (and bonobos) but bonobos are much less aggressive than common chimps. Bonobos can be aggressive, but they are highly sexual and tend to resolve these issues.

Also I HIGHLY recommend watching Robert Sapolsky's lectures on human sexuality and aggression.

Link--Behavioural Biology


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09 Apr 2013, 8:06 pm

OK, firstly, if God doesn't like gays, then I don't like God. Seriously, the kind of God who'd call someone a sinner for something as harmless as loving the wrong gender is not a loving God, and does not deserve worship.

But then again, I'm an atheist partly because of things like this. I just don't see how a loving God would allow our world to be anything less than a utopia. Seriously, if God is like a parent ('God the father'), a good parent does their best to help their child be happy and healthy. And if this world is God's best, he must not be nearly as powerful as people make out.


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13 Apr 2013, 11:28 am

ShyChristianGirl wrote:
If its really true that animals can be homosexual and its alright with God. Then why is it not alright with God for humans to be homosexuals? I mean it is true that animals can be homosexual right? Then maybe it is really alright with God if humans are homosexual then. Of course I mean if animals are allowed then why shouldn't we be allowed? After all it is true that we are really born that way right? Because they talk about how its even passed through family genes and things like that.

Good question. Of course, one would have to assume that God is okay with animals being homosexual in order to make this argument ...

But then again, if God wasn't okay with homosexuality, then why does he allow it to exist in the first place?

Then again, I don't even believe in God, but the assumption is that God is all powerful, and that he created the universe, and therefore everything in the universe, so ...