Unconditional Love, The life of Bonnie, The boxer
Apologies for my tardiness on this one. I was up late last night (03:40) helping people with homework, then had to get up early (07:00) to drive people to school and didn't get back until almost noon.
I hope you all still have time to read it, and if you like, offer any suggestions or comments for it.
Today I visited how Bonnie seemed to suddenly have a major break through (tentatively) with affection from anyone other than me, shortly after discovering squeakers:
Cuddle Buddies (don't tell Daddy)
Linked above.
Again, thanks for reading and your comments, suggestions, etc.
Bonnie, The Boxer, ~2005/2006 - October 26th 2013
We love you always Bonnie. Bless God as you have blessed us.
Today's installment was a bit late. I had an emergency Service call as I sat down to write.
Today I wrote about the "vision" that I saw the monday after her passing. Some will call it lunacy, while others may call it wishful thinking. But it gave me hope.
I'm Not Ready
Linked above:
Thank you again for reading and helping me to keep her memory alive.
Bonnie, The Boxer, ~2005/2006 - October 26th 2013
We love you always Bonnie. Bless God as you have blessed us.
Not too horribly late today, thankfully.
Today I reminisce about Bonnie's personality, her happiness, and her playfulness, describing in more detail the personality that emerged from the timid scared dog that everyone else wanted to murder under the excuse of "quality of life"
Remember In Love
Linked above.
Thank you for putting up with me, and supporting me in this. I would be honored if you would continue to read and share this story with your friends, online and irl. Thank you.
Bonnie, The Boxer, ~2005/2006 - October 26th 2013
We love you always Bonnie. Bless God as you have blessed us.
My apologies for not getting this posted yesterday. We had several things going on Friday, causing us to get home late. then one of my daughters became suddenly ill before we even had a chance to fall asleep Friday night. My wife and I were both up all night tending her, and then had to attend a mandatory music jury Saturday morning, which I had to record for her to submit as an assignment. When we finally got home late Saturday, my daughter was sleeping in the recliner I use at the computer desk, effectively blocking me from writing this on the computer. I could have used my old android, but it would have taken several hours and I was exhausted after being up for two days without sleep. Thank you for understanding.
In this installment, I have taken several things that the family and I had observed early in Bonnie's life with us, after she started coming out of her shell, and combined them into a single post, to share the standard of living in one of her typical days.
It's a Dog's Life.
linked above.
Thank you for continuing to read and share Bonnie's Life.
Bonnie, The Boxer, ~2005/2006 - October 26th 2013
We love you always Bonnie. Bless God as you have blessed us.
Hello all. Today I decided to tackle sharing a difficult time that occurred not too long after Bonnie came into our lives. I am not proud of this time, and sharing it feels rather humiliating. But I felt it necessary to share in order to help the readers to understand just exactly how deeply Bonnie has impacted our lives, for the good, by including the bad, by admitting my failures and shortcomings, not just in the area of fencing, or simple matters. But in the matters of the heart as well.
That Dog!
linked above.
Thank you for sharing Bonnie's life with me, and sharing her story with your friends.
Bonnie, The Boxer, ~2005/2006 - October 26th 2013
We love you always Bonnie. Bless God as you have blessed us.
Today I chose to share a bit about a gathering we went to, after Bonnie had been in our home for over 6 months. Where she was approached by the family who had left her behind the big building. I tried to relate how we imagine she felt, based off her reactions to them and her responses to us, and how she acted immediately afterwards.
We had gone to a community dinner that turned out to be too big for the building it was scheduled in, the same builidng Bonnie had been tied out behind when we first got her, and ended up being out in the parking lot and yard of the area.
We met the family that had bought her from the puppy mill, and while the wife and children were amiable, the husband had a clear personality that helped me to understand clearly why Bonnie had been the way she was when we first got her. I didn't share the entire exchange, but enough so that you can get an idea of the atmosphere and tension that was present during the encounter.
Out On The Town.
Linked above.
Thank you for your patience with me, and your continued interest in the Life of our beloved Bonnie.
Bonnie, The Boxer, ~2005/2006 - October 26th 2013
We love you always Bonnie. Bless God as you have blessed us.
Today's blurb on the blog is finally up.
I wrestled with what to share today. There is just so much and it can be confusing at times to determine what to put when and where. If I ever get to the point to where I feel that the majority of her memories are shared in a good fashion, I may have to go back and reorganize some of it.
Today I chose to share the starting of a new ritual that my wife came up with, in an effort to help me cope with the grief of Bonnie's loss. To share exactly how much that helped, I had to share the day on which it happened, and then a bit of the memories, the first time we did this elicited. It was a good ritual to start and I am very grateful to my wife for starting it.
Boxer Briefs
Linked above.
Thank you all for sharing, please feel free to let me know what you think, either on the blog, or here, and please willingly share any suggestions you think might improve the blog, or even my writing.
As always, thank you for sharing in the Life of Bonnie with me, and for sharing her memories with your friends.
Bonnie, The Boxer, ~2005/2006 - October 26th 2013
We love you always Bonnie. Bless God as you have blessed us.
hello everyone.
Today I thought I would share the hurt and hardships my eldest daughter was going through with Girdie, our other dog having disappeared so soon after Bonnie's arrival. Girdie was a fast dog, racing and speeding through the yard like there was no tomorrow. As Bonnie started coming out of her shell, the other children started comparing her to Girdie, speed wise, etc. This upset my eldest daughter, who had always had a special affection for Girdie. As much as Bonnie was my little girl, Girdie was hers. While she didn't mourn as excessively has I have, and still am, with Bonnie, my daughter was in fact devastated. She resented the others comparing the two dogs, as she felt Girdie was special, and struggled to accept Bonnie's affections because of her loyalty to Girdie.
I'm Not Girdie.
Linked Above:
Thank you so much for reading, and again, for sharing with your friends.
Bonnie, The Boxer, ~2005/2006 - October 26th 2013
We love you always Bonnie. Bless God as you have blessed us.
This time in Bonnie's life is Labeled:
True Blue to You.
Linked above.
I'm sorry for taking not being able to post for the past 2 days. The internet went down on us.
We do live out in a very rural area, with unreliable internet, which occasionally goes out one or more days at a time, sometimes simply because the wind has increased. Sometimes the phone company acknowledges it and gets it fixed. Sometimes they tell us there is no reported outage and we have to wait until enough people call in to complain before they start trying to repair it. I lost internet before I could sit down to write this. This time appears to be one of the latter times, but we finally have internet back up and running, thankfully in time for my wife and children to get their college assignments submitted without having to take a 20 mile drive to the nearest wifi hotspot at a fuel station/yoghurt shop two towns over.
This time I shared Bonnie's reaction (as related by family for the parts I did not personally witness, as always) the time that I had gotten sick and was hospitalized for 3 days, Doctors suspected Diverticulosis or perhaps cholitis, or chrons, but never followed up after discharging me from the hospital. Sadly, this is not unusual in the veterans medical centers. They are far to overwhelmed, with too few resources.
Thank you so much for your patience and understanding with me, and your forgiveness in the unavoidable delay, caused by an unexplained internet outage. And thank you so much for sharing Bonnie's story with your friends.
Bonnie, The Boxer, ~2005/2006 - October 26th 2013
We love you always Bonnie. Bless God as you have blessed us.
I've had a few people asking me about feeds.
I have attempted to add a feed through feedburner. I don't know if I have succeeded or not. If any of you are feed gurus, perhaps you can test it and let me know.
feeds are something I have never really understood nor been interested in, since I never use a news reader, but I suppose I need to brush up on it and figure out what it is. Please feel free to summarize it for me and explain what it is and what I need to do if you are good at feeds.
Bonnie, The Boxer, ~2005/2006 - October 26th 2013
We love you always Bonnie. Bless God as you have blessed us.
Today I shared the Spring fiasco we had the first full spring Bonnie was a part of our family. Suddenly library books and other books were going missing. Bonnie and the other dogs joined in on the many searches we had, unsuccessfully trying to locate the books:
The Mystery of The Missing Books.
Linked Above.
Thank you so much for your continued interest, in spite of my being without internet for two days this weekend. And thank you for continuing to share Bonnie's life with others as you get the opportunities. I am hoping for as much feedback as I can get. I would like to make this an interesting account, while keeping the facts true and relevant, and any constructive feedback I can get would be helpful and greatly appreciated.
Bonnie, The Boxer, ~2005/2006 - October 26th 2013
We love you always Bonnie. Bless God as you have blessed us.
I apologize for the tardiness in posting today. With the severe weather suddenly experienced here, I have been having to take multiple breaks as I have attempted to write this to perform tasks essential to the family's comfort and survival. As the weather becomes more wintery, there will be fluctuations as to the time of day the post will be made, and sometimes weather will interrupt the internet, causing delays as well. But I will continue to try to faithfully post daily even during the course of bad weather.
Yesterday the children were discussing how Bonnie and the Ladies would often 'protect' their kitty siblings from some of the feral cats that roam the country side. As they discussed some of the comical things the doggies would do, I thought it would be a good memory to share with you
You Aint Nuthin But a Hound Dog!
Linked Above.
Thank you so much for your patience and continued reading:
Bonnie, The Boxer, ~2005/2006 - October 26th 2013
We love you always Bonnie. Bless God as you have blessed us.
Well today wasn't QUITE as late as yesterday.
Today I shared some events from the first full spring that bonnie had with us, after she had been with us a little over a year. That was a bad spring weather wise. While there was lots of sun and warm weather. there was also lots of wind storms. We had a lot of wild animals injured and we had to find rescue centers for them.
Life is Precious.
linked above
I hope you enjoy it and I hope you share it with as many friends and acquaintances as you can possibly find . thank you for sharing Bonnie's life with me.
Bonnie, The Boxer, ~2005/2006 - October 26th 2013
We love you always Bonnie. Bless God as you have blessed us.
I have had a request to add a hit counter to the blog. I have added it. It won't reflect my visits because I set it up initially to not count my visits. So the visits you see are other visitors and not how many times I visit the blog. Per request. I don't know what it serves but now you know, minus your visits, how many times the blog has been viewed.
I hope this is what the request meant.
Bonnie, The Boxer, ~2005/2006 - October 26th 2013
We love you always Bonnie. Bless God as you have blessed us.
Today's Blurb on Bonnie's Blog is out.
To the americans and those who celebrate: Happy Thanksgiving all.
during the late spring, early summer After Bonnie had been with us for a year, we took into our home a spastic cat we named Kasha. She's a bit of a schizzoid, I think. but the family loves her, and she has come to love us, But she never loves any of the other animals, and this has often played a significant part of Bonnie's life, as you will occasionally see in future posts:
Rat-a-Tat Kasha Cat.
Linked Above:
thank you again for your patience and continued support of bonnie's life, reading her blog and sharing her story with your friends, family and acquaintances.
Bonnie, The Boxer, ~2005/2006 - October 26th 2013
We love you always Bonnie. Bless God as you have blessed us.
Right after we brought Kasha cat home, we began to see a glimpse of just exactly what we were in for. My daughter, Linnie, took it upon herself to reach Kasha in her spastic shell, and succeeded with surprising speed, but with limitations. Some animals, while becoming tolerant of some things, will always have certain behaviors that they just will not grow out of, as you will see in future posts.
Linnie's Girl
Linked Above:
Thank you all for continuing to share Bonnie's life with me. I hope everyone had a happy hanukka, thanksgiving, etc.
Bonnie, The Boxer, ~2005/2006 - October 26th 2013
We love you always Bonnie. Bless God as you have blessed us.
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