I joined British Naturism for a time, though I never ended up going to any events because there was little that was local and I was too shy (plus I'm far too skinny to endure the cold of nudity in the open, at least within the limits of British weather). For a time during my stay at University, nudism actually became a special interest (I'll never forget the time one of the residence's housekeeping staff walked in on me whilst I was naked... I didn't hear her knock because I was watching Stargate with headphones on XD).
My belief is that clothes are optional. Naked is natural, the only reason people are put off by it is because of what society says, and honestly, if people think hygene is an issue, why don't said people want us to cover our faces constantly as well? Saliva is full of bacteria, and snot isn't exactly pleasant. If we grew up being taught that eyes were disgusting, we'd hide our eyes the same way we hide our genitals.
Would I go to a nudist beach? No, because I wouldn't go to a normal beach. I hate sand. Would I go to any other kind of nude colony? Not really, because I wouldn't go to a clothed equivalent unless dragged along by parents. Do I spend my days naked? No, I live in a small house in a family of 6, and most of my family don't share my nudist views. But I still feel strongly about nudism because logic dictates that society's views on nudity make no sense.
My pet hate is when people call nudity immoral and against "God's" wishes (as an agnostic, I find that very hard to believe... why would an all-seeing entity care about nudity?). The only ever excuses they bring to the table include "oh, you shouldn't force people to see your dangly bits." (Well I think noses look weird and I'm not a fan of feet, yet I don't complain), "males and females are different!" (So what?), "It's unnatural!" (Need I list all the hilarity in just what is wrong in that statement?). Honestly, anyone who has a moral issue with nudity is either a raging pervert, overly-indoctrinated or incredibly closed-minded. In my opinion.
That's not to say I can't understand other reasons to dislike nudity (trust, aesthetics, hygene etc), I just hate it when people use logicless explanations and "God" to explain why it's wrong.
I'm sorry, this post got rather opinionated, I just wanted to put my views out in the open. If someone disagrees, and is offended, I apologise, as I hate offending people, but I'm quite passionate when it comes to freedoms, and the freedom to be nude counts as a freedom.
Stimming, stimming all day long~
Common sense? Me? Hahahahahahaha no. You're more likely to find penguins in the sahara.
We should adapt - but we should not conform.
A life without tea is a life not worth living.
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