So, My psychologist confirmed NVLD as my diagnosis. Definitely fits me... I'm moderate to severe but very good verbal skills. Does anyone know how I can drive safely due to my depth perception issue? Wearing sunglasses helps but I haven't driven since 2012 lmao I am also gonna go to Massachusetts Rehab for services in employment, Etc. I wil also apply for disability benefits in Massachusetts like my psychologist had said. I'm worried about when I'm ready to date and all when I'm more situated in my life... any advice? I will be 24 in July. I also have on my neurologists paperwork that I can get a waiver for math so I can get done the HiSET tests (formerly GED). I want to go into agriculture/small business but is someone with NVLD capable especially with visual spatial issues? What's crazy is I'm very visual but have hard time with the spatial...
I think I got NVLD because of my premature birth (4 wks, 4 lbs). It's written in my medical records I've had since birth issues with noises, sleep, Etc.