Kiprobalhato wrote:
apparently, after watching
willy wonka and the chocolate factory (1971) dahl himself hated it forbid the production of a movie adaptation to the great glass elevator book.
which was a shame. the great glass elevator was among my favorite books as a kid and having loved tim burton's 2005 movie (unlike some people) i would have liked to see his interpretation of a sequel.
You're not the only one who likes Tim Burton's adaptation of Charlie And The Chocolate Factory. Trust me. One of the things that really annoys me is when people refer to Burton's version as a "remake" of Willy Wonka when it's not. Even on the Wikipedia page for the movie it says that it's the second adaptation of the book. It often seems like people want to just ignore the fact that the book even exists. But enough about that. Here are some of my ideas for books that should be made into movies.
Maximum Ride: A series that I only came across recently but can already see plenty of potential for it to be put up on the big screen.
The WaterFire Saga: While the final book in this tetralogy (series of 4 books like Twilight except written better) doesn't come out until this summer, I've LOVED the first 3 books, Deep Blue, Rogue Wave, and Dark Tide and have had a hard time putting them down. I could see this being a very strong visual spectacle as it would bring to life these fantastical underwater kingdoms and the Merfolk that live in them. I have really high hopes that this will eventually become a movie series.
I just recently found out that the final book in The WaterFire Saga is titled Sea Spell. I'm looking forward to its release intently.