martial arts great for Autism/aspergers
Many activities that not as expensive, socially awkward, or dangerous, also relieve stress
Some "instructors" have had the nerve to bark at me for every slightest reason. They did not relieve stress.
Self defense is a good reason
However, martial arts are dangerous
In wrestling practice, watched three separate people, break arm, leg and ribs. Over 40 practices. Almost had to put an ambulance on standby
Martial arts are $$$$
Cost benefit analysis
A disproportionate number of autistics also have symptoms of Nonverbal Learning Disability
At least one instructor told me "you don't look autistic". And then he asked if I knew what a ninety degree angle was and if I had a high school diploma .
The other instructor (same dojo) had the nerve to tell me that "you are not paying attention". And other customers with the same number of lessons, got two promotions.
(Effort) (efficiency) =. Product
He thought effort was low, so product was low
But efficiency was low
So I said that I did not know what a ninety degree angle was or have diploma
And then he lowered his standards
People inside the building have the Sam character flaws as the ones outside the building

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I took Karate when I was in elementary skewl cuz I was getting bullied alot. I was very slow at performing movies & had to think about em 1st so it did nothing to actually help with my bulling. I was also stressed out alot from being at skewl & from having homework to do when I got home that I struggled majorly with due to dyslexia & other related learning disorders. I quit after I made it to 2nd stripe on my blue belt & failed the test to advance. It was a lot of work & I needed more time to wind down & relax after I got home. Watching TV & playing video games, or playing with my toys helped me relive stress & relax aLOT more than Karate did.
"I don't have an anger problem, I have an idiot problem!"
"Hear all, trust nothing" ... cquisition
The wrestling coach turned a blind eye to the bullying his friends did to me. He did not believe it. He was biased because he was their friend
Sensory processing dysfunction makes the girls uncomfortable. Some dojos require gi. Even if it is just karate. No functional purpose.
The aikido instructor kept calling me a "beginner" even though I had taken ten years and over 450 lessons. She said she just took eight years. She brought in an off leash dog. I was stretching when it approached me and I was screaming. "Sorry" she said, like she had never done anything wrong before in her life. As "kindness", she put the lil f****r in the car. wrong
Leash Law. It is not a personal favor.
sensory issues
, obsessive compulsive disorder, executive processing dysfunction. Too many pain receptors.
The aikido instructors wife had a tell me that I stank olfactorially and told me to leave. Her husband told her that I did not stink. (No "sorry". No financial reparations )
The wrestling coach cancelled practice when there were not enough bodies
For zoning out for a couple of seconds, the karate "instructor" had the nerve to bark and me, like I stole his car
If any job should get personality tests, it's martial arts instructors. Not restaurant, retail, sales.

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blue is pretty advanced, you're my aspie martial arts hero now

I took wrestling during my first year of high school. I had no bad experiences, only good ones.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."

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Numerous customers have done techniques way too fast or hard for me
And I felt like I could not do anything about it
Because I did not take a video tape
Some customers were pretty f*****g condescending
"I tell you!", As if I could and should have just blindly believed everything he told me, just because he was a blue belt
Over and over, idiots had the nerve to tell ask me "are you ok?"
It gets annoying
Some dipshit had the nerve to tell it's dad that I choked it and did not let go when it tapped
It was 13 and I was 27. It was about 5 inches and over 20 pounds more than me
It's dad would have believed it, even if it told it's dad, that I raped it
Seriously the "instructor" should never have let the spoiled upper middle class brat into class
The biggest punishment the instructor gave it, ten pushups
What the fly f**k?
That's a f*****g joke, s**t!
My safety is not a toy
Aikido seems to attract the high positive social energy, doctor Benjamin Spock extroverts. A disproportionate number of aikido customers are professional counselors
What I hate is how I am worse at aikido than people that have done it twenty lessons
The world contains a lot of activities that are expensive, socially awkward, dangerous, that I am also bad at
Aikido is just an example
Why should I waste time, money and energy on aikido, when I can't get better , and ass holes get angry at me a lot?
The building sometimes makes me itchy
Air humidifier

Joined: 4 May 2010
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Location: was Louisiana but now Vermont in capitalistic military dictatorship called USA
blue is pretty advanced, you're my aspie martial arts hero now

"I don't have an anger problem, I have an idiot problem!"
"Hear all, trust nothing" ... cquisition
when i was 12, got bullied a lot. asked my precious lil "parents" to send me to take lessons. they refused. and i assumed it meant that they did not love me. tried to practice techniques with a library book. got nowhere. felt ashamed, hopeless, helpless.
Child Protective Services does not require martial arts lessons.
over 150 dojos. many dojos have one free trial lesson. many dojos are McDojos. some instructors insist on getting called "sir". over and over. one "instructor" approached me the first day and said "we are all 'sir'. do you understand?". "okay, sir." "explain it to him," he told another instructor, as he stomped off angrily.
some "instructors" are so f*****g full of themselves. they mastered the martial art. they did not achieve "perfect character". but they sure act like they did. they acted like they had a moral right to physically injure anyone that did anything they did not like or understand.
some dojos pushed sales. after a free trial lesson, one instructor followed me outside and tried to insist i pay $$.
one instructor dragged a prepubescent boy by the ankle, along the floor. she acted angry.
one instructor barked at me, when i did "upward dog" (yoga pose), on elbows instead of hands. she then threatened to tell me to leave the building.
one instructor let his off leash Fido onto the mat.
went to over 450 aikido lessons. too many pain receptors. can't pay as much attention as other customers. still feel ashamed, hopeless, helpless.
at the community college, instructors gave out 50 pushups for the slightest perceived mistake. did not learn anything either. it was so crowded. once the instructor barked at me, when i did techniques without waiting for the count. you would've thought i stole his car.
it appears to me, that martial arts instructors have more than their fair share of felony convictions and mental illnesses.
saying "martial arts great for Autism" is not wrong. however, it is misleading. it is like saying "milk is good for you". rotten milk is not good for you. some people are allergic to milk.

I am not sure what you are saying. Never heard the term hellafit. I looked it up on the internet. I suspect you are saying "Hella Fit" meaning "very fit".
No, at the time I was a 90 pound weakling. I was always the smallest kid in the class. I was physically assalted on almost a daily basis for 4 years during Junior High. The bullies used four types of attack on me. These were:
* strangulation with a tie.
* a painful kick in the balls
* a jab to the ribcage.
* a chokehold from behind.
So I wanted to learn how to break a chokehold from behind. That is what I learned from taking wrestling.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
In wrestling, numerous precious lil "people" had the nerve to tell me that "you're so small"
"Small"? 5'3, 135 , 24 years old Chinese woman
They also loved to tell me that they were going to physically injure me
The coach took their side
Then the coach arranged a "scholarship" for me. With great fanfare
That ass hole acted like he dragged my worthless corpse out of a burning building
The scholarship was just 55 buck value
The yongmudo instructor barked "what?! !!" At me. He said "are you comfortable on the mat" and I said "ok". "Perfect character"? How about Narcissistic personality disorder? That rotten ass hole acted like he was the greatest thing since sliced bread
Aw, .
The aikido instructor let a spoiled upper middle class brat take the class. No "discrimination".
Discrimination against ass holes

Joined: 12 Feb 2010
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I am not sure what you are saying. Never heard the term hellafit. I looked it up on the internet. I suspect you are saying "Hella Fit" meaning "very fit". No, at the time I was a 90 pound weakling. I was always the smallest kid in the class. I was physically assalted on almost a daily basis for 4 years during Junior High. The bullies used four types of attack on me. These were:
* strangulation with a tie.
* a painful kick in the balls
* a jab to the ribcage.
* a chokehold from behind.
So I wanted to learn how to break a chokehold from behind. That is what I learned from taking wrestling.
I hope you eventually wiped the floor with those dogs.
Some martial arts instructors are control freaks.
One instructor wrote in the waiver "I will obey (instructor).". The harsh language showed his attitude.
Getting asked "are you ok?" More than three times an hour gets on my nerves. Some precious lil "people" act like they are doing you a personal favor by flapping their trap. They don't have the authority or skill to "help" you, but you feel like you have to say "thank you" anyways.
The instructors are not always kind.
One instructor let an off leash dog on the mat.
And kind to whom?
One instructor let a spoiled upper middle class brat take the class. Then wasted a lot of time showing the lil dipshit how important and special
Some idiots do techniques too hard and fast
Some idiots are condescending.
One of the differences between some sports is that the sport divides individuals by weight classes. Wrestling and Boxing does this. It is obvious that some massive giant weight 300 pounds of all muscle could easily wipe the floor with small contenders. So they adopted a weight class structure.
Wrestling did not cost me anything. It was one of the courses offered in the first year of high school. That school was rather large and offered a diverse range of sports.
No actually my bullying ended at Junior High School. I am a peace loving kind of person. Still it is nice to know how to break a choke hold from behind.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
My middle school had a karate club , but it only lasted gout lessons
It had capoeira and it lasted only 8 weeks
The instructor quit
My high school did not have wrestling or anything like that
The community college had taekwondo and I took it. Yellow belt. Could have taken green, but did not take it.
In karate and taekwondo did not learn anything. Half an hour jogging around the room "at least three miles!" Some lil penis commanded like a drill instructor.
Too much ,"yes sir"
The wrestling was at the gay center. It cost ,65 bucks a year (2007). And five bucks a session
Hey, some interesting replies here.
Some topics which I had not thought too much about when I wrote the first post, such as some of the problems that some of you guys suffer from which I am lucky not to, such as touch sensitivity.
I also note a number of concerns about the lack of screening. Sure, this is also important.
In todays age, I believe that instructors and coaches teaching in official clubs need to be screened in order to get an official licence to teach. However, I guess there are some people who start up dojo's or classes without being under an official association who will not be screened.
So I recommend that you ask the instructor what association he belongs to before you join his class.
I also am aware that many instructors will be clueless about what ASD is.
I myself am a qualified Judo Coach (Level 2 UKCC BJA), and even in the club that I was coaching in. the rest of the non ASD coaches were absolutely ignorant to what ASD.
Since, I have left, and plan to teach some close mates on my own.
I also agree that there is no student screening process, so anyone could potentially walk through the door, and some instructors (including or perhaps should I say, especially the famous instructors) will teach any one as long as they pay them enough money.
I am saddened by this, and with the advent of MMA and Gracie Jiu Jitsu growing in popularity to become dominant.
I believe that quiet a number of the people practicing the more effective martial arts are now criminals, perhaps some even gangsters.
This, I feel is very shameful and an abuse of the ancestry of the martial arts.
According to legend, Martial Arts were originally developed and taught in order to protect the innocent from the criminals. I feel that the tables are turning, with the martials arts now being taught and run by people who are criminals and used to cause trouble.
This is partly why I have started to train and teach only people who I think are of a good moral character and or who are vulnerable to being attacked.
If you are looking for a club to train at, I recommend that you look for one that belongs to a credible style, with the instructor and club belonging to a well known association that also has insurance and DBS / CRM screening.
The styles that I presently recommend are:
Modern Self Defence Arts
Gracie Jiu Jutsu (for self defence - different to sport ju jutsu) (if you can find a dojo that teaches this version)
Krav Maga
Jeet Kune Do
Perhaps even Kenpo / Kajukenbo hybrid martial arts (better than nothing and good for most situations)
Kyushinkai knockdown karate (very tough though)
Combat Sports
Boxing or even Boxercise if you don't like contact
Muay Thai kick boxing
Kick Boxing
I also quiet like traditional Japanese Ju Jutsu, traditional Karate and Aikido.
Although I think that both of these styles need to be adapted in order to make them effective as forms of self defence against modern forms of attackers.
There are loads of other styles of martial arts too, not saying they are no good. I just don't have much experience in them.
Not saying the lesser effective arts cant however be therapeutic.
If anyone is interested in learning more, there is an excellent series on martial arts that can be viewed on you tube
called Fight Quest, which is about these two guys who visit and train a number of different martial arts at the best dojos in the world.
It gives you a glimpse into the world of each style that may give you enough of an idea to decide whether that style is for you. No Judo though, which is a shame. As Judo, If taught by a good spiritual "traditional Japanese minded" instructor can be a really good style to train in and will give you a fair amount of skill to defend yourself with.
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