Lost_dragon wrote:
Max1951 wrote:
6 and happily married to a woman.
You're exclusively gay, male, yet happily married to a woman?

Yes. I'm sort of anathema to the gay world, as well as, to the straight world. Gays say you can't change your preference. Straights say that it's not right for a gay to marry a woman.
But I found the stigma of a gay life in this society, too difficult of a life for me, and personality-wise my wife is ideal. I'm a conflict-avoider and always try to please everyone insofar as possible; it's my nature.
So I loved her soul immediately and learned to love her body over the years. The stigma of being gay and married to straight is not as visible to those who would disparage such unions. And monogamy is monogamy. It's no different if a married man lusts after beautiful women or if he lusts after beautiful men. Every man is inclined to lust after beauty. And every man who truly loves his wife resists those inclinations for the good of the relationship.