nick007 wrote:
nick007 wrote:
I rathered play dolls with the girls during recess because the boys were meaner towards me & usually playing sports which I hated. Dolls aren't that much different from action figures.
i wasn't into other girl stuff thou except for swinging with the girls in PE. The girls were sometimes allowed to swing while the boys were expected to participate in some sport thing but the coach sometimes allowed me to swing with the girls i think due to my physical & mental disabilities. I was teased a bit for likeing the show My Little Pony even thou i never watched it & i didn't watch any other sterotpicial girl shows either. Some people assumed i did because i did n'ot conform to the boy stereotype either thou. This contributed to the gender confusion i've had about myself in my teens till mid 20s.
My mom is a retired preK teacher & she never cared about which types of toys the kids would chose to play with when they were allowed to play. Some of the boys would chose to play house & play with baby dolls & some girls would chose to play with action figures & toy cars & construction vehicles.
good teacher your mom was.
nobody should care ! !!
why is everyone focused on labeling kids and strangers alike these days
and every aspect of their lives is mutilated and dissected like what the hell
is there no such thing as mystery, privacy, decency, letting things be, being easygoing, kindness, letting people explore the world through art and play...etc
why is everything extreme
it is the childs business.. what they like or dont like..
if its something wrong it can be corrected or re-directed like if the child is extremely violent and hateful to a destructive degree that is not appropriate play -
it needs to be re-directed in a gentle way, or probed deeper into (SUBTLY) by the adult, if necessary
keep their worlds gentle, pure, loving, fun, and safe! please!! ! that is our job.
people imposing everything they want on a child
because of their own sick minds wanting things to be a certain way only-
no concept of nature- like a plant-
which needs to be ignored too, aside from being watered and whatnot --
not constantly poked at, twisted and fiddled with until the plant cannot grow and just withers. we do that to OURSELVES and now we do it to CHILDREN TOO.
Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill