Twilightprincess wrote:
HistoryGal wrote:
Ok just the impression I got from you is that you had no issues and were an NT seeking to understand ASD as perhaps a loved one of yours had it.
No shame in that.
I can only go on what I perceived as an NT presentation.
Why do I come across as NT to you?
Most NTs would be upset about being left out since they tend to be more social than people on the spectrum.
To Twilight: All autistic folks have a third eyeball in their foreheads. You pic doesn't have that.
To:HistoryGal: you might wanna consider using a little common sense already and realize that most folks on WP are on the autism spectrum.
First you rabidly attack me for being a NT who "doesn't know how to ASD folks" (or some such vitriolic crap), without it even occurring to you to consider the obvious:that I might be ASD myself (which indeed the panel of docs declared that I was).
Just about EVERY post Miss Twilight has ever made in her short career her on WP has been about how quirky and autistic she is. So how on Earth do you manage to miss that?
How can someone you cant see in person have any kind of psychological "presentation" to an observer?
Oh I get it!
Neither Twilight,nor I, have hair triggers, and don't get angry at the drop of a hat like you do. So therefore ...we both must be members of the NT enemy! Is THAT your reasoning?