Zack1994 wrote:
Alright Weez I'll keep that in mind, thank you.
Good deal Zack. Your very welcome. And I cannot say it too much how important being honest in all your dealings is. When a person is not honest , they are not respected, they will be treated badly , because we are only as good as our word. To be respected , trusted, desired, wanted,sought after, we have to be honest. If you only cared about making money and your looking to be hired or start a business, no body wants to hire anyone they cannot trust you got to be honest. If you had your own business, the best advertisement is word of mouth , and if it gets around that your not genuine and not honest nobody will want to do business with you. It is not just for your social life , it is the difference between being poor and miserable ....or making money and being happy. im being redundant I know but It is because we all can and should be happy and you have your whole life to live , and I really want you to have a good one Zack. ok that's it from me .