Fnord wrote:
I remember back in the 1980s when mis-guided moralists seemed to blame everything on Dungeons & Dragons -- things like drug use, homosexuality, promiscuity, suicide, truancy, violence, and so forth. Of course, it also seemed that D&D was blamed on atheists, communists, and devil worshipers as well. It's a wonder how us D&D players had any fun at all!
The Simpsons, South Park and Family Guy have all been targets of the moral panickers. This time, it's personal.
I went to a Catholic high-school & I heard a teacher had went on a rant about Pokemon causing devil worshiping & homosexuality
I watched the 1st couple seasons & played Pokemon Yellow; & I do NOT conform to the stereotypical male & may be kinda slightly bi & I also think the Satanic Temple seems pretty kewl. If anybody picks on me for that, I can blame Pokemon