fluffysaurus wrote:
vermontsavant wrote:
I hope this doesn't sound rude in anyway if anything it's sort of a compliment.
Let me get this straight,your that good of a composer that you have been commissioned for a film score.
You are then asking advice on a non music composition specific website on instrumentation.
I would go to a music composition website or composer subreddit at the very least.
I would email the person you studied composition with an ask them.
If you were commissioned for a film score you would have to have studied at a conservatory.Otherwise no film maker would give you the time of day.
I would call your old professor and talk with him.
No one on WP would know orchestration better than you.If you have doubts,email a professional.
I write music myself but I won't give you advice because I don't do film scores so I'm not qualified for this question.
I think the op is asking not for music advice but for 'avoiding a social mistake' advice.
I think a sax is fine; they are associated with many things not just old porn and have been used in many films. However auntblabby's point is interesting something darker and more soulful might be even better. Nothing wrong with the sax though.
If they don't have a theory degree from a conservatory,they shouldn't be giving orchestration advice on a film score.Film scores are a very advanced thing,this is not a light matter.
Forever gone
Sorry I ever joined