lostonearth35 wrote:
Tired of the whole world is what I am.
I completely agree. I'm much less obsessed with the net than I used to be & while there are lots of bad things about the net these days, there are also lots of good things. I never really lived in the real world & I didn't have the net till after I graduated high-school. Before I graduated I mostly just watched TV, played video-games, & listened to music when I was home. The net can make it a lot easier to do those things. I can find TV shows online that I used to watch as a kid & teen that cable quit showing reruns of long ago & those shows were not officially released on DVD. I can find LOTS of music online that never gets airplay on the mainstream commercial FM stations these days. While I do like top 40 pop, classic rock, soft rock, country, & oldies, I also like other types of music as well that I never hear on typical radio stations. YouTube & Torrenting is great for discovering & acquiring music. I'm NOT into online gaming but I can DL old-skewl games online that can be played on my computer with emulator programs for Supper Nintendo & Game Boy & such. Emulators can make some games a lot easier cuz I can save whenever I want, find cheat codes online, apply patches to fix bugs & glitches or make some things kewler & more fun. Plus I can look up players guides online while playing even if I'm playing newer games on their actual systems. The net can also be great for researching things like health issues & having a supportive community where I can socialize & discuss problems like on this forum.
The net can have lots of bad things or things that can be bad for some people like social media, fake news, catfish, & nefarious types like scammers, phishers, hackers, & others spying & invading privacy. It's very important to be cautious when using the net & to take breaks from it some, moderation is key.