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13 May 2022, 8:18 pm

It's far from seemed more likely a couple of generations ago.


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13 May 2022, 8:27 pm

Maybe in a couple hundred years.

“Tú, que me lees, ¿estás seguro de entender mi lenguaje?” — Jorge Luis Borges


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13 May 2022, 8:40 pm

No but it will transform



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13 May 2022, 8:50 pm

Twilightprincess wrote:
Maybe in a couple hundred years.

I won't be around to see it.
Damn! ;)

Nice to see you back, btw.


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13 May 2022, 8:55 pm

Pepe wrote:
Twilightprincess wrote:
Maybe in a couple hundred years.

I won't be around to see it.
Damn! ;)

Nice to see you back, btw.

Thanks, but it’s temporary - an extremely brief relapse. I’ll touch base with my therapist on Monday.

“Tú, que me lees, ¿estás seguro de entender mi lenguaje?” — Jorge Luis Borges


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13 May 2022, 11:26 pm

Twilightprincess wrote:
Pepe wrote:
Twilightprincess wrote:
Maybe in a couple hundred years.

I won't be around to see it.
Damn! ;)

Nice to see you back, btw.

Thanks, but it’s temporary - an extremely brief relapse. I’ll touch base with my therapist on Monday.

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13 May 2022, 11:28 pm

Pepe wrote:
Twilightprincess wrote:
Pepe wrote:
Twilightprincess wrote:
Maybe in a couple hundred years.

I won't be around to see it.
Damn! ;)

Nice to see you back, btw.

Thanks, but it’s temporary - an extremely brief relapse. I’ll touch base with my therapist on Monday.

You don't have to be insane to post here...
...but it sure as hell helps. :wink: <hug>

But it helps


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13 May 2022, 11:35 pm

Americans are becoming less religious, but the ones who are religious, especially in the South and states like Utah and Idaho, are far more entrenched and have theocratic intentions politically.

How do you combat that in those states, when (a) you're in the minority, (b) the powers that be use voter suppression, fear tactics when campaigning, and court packing (like Trump did with Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett) to remain in power, and (c) even if your side wins, they regain power in the next election cycle with the campaign theme "waaah, persecution!"?

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13 May 2022, 11:52 pm

Tim_Tex wrote:
and (c) even if your side wins, they regain power in the next election cycle with the campaign theme "waaah, persecution!"?

That last theme is relevant. Here in Australia the christian fundamentalists think they are like the christian martyrs who sent to the lions when they don't get their way. Infact the current debate about christian schools being allowed to exclude students and staff who are LGBTQI+ is being framed in terms of christian rights being under attack by the government. Fundamentalist conservative christians in 2022 have a strange way of framing not getting their way as some type of persecution.


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14 May 2022, 12:53 am

cyberdad wrote:
No but it will transform


I dont know that book, or what its about.

But that IS a trend. Newer religions do seem to incorporate more and more elements of science fiction into their theology. Scientology, invented by Sci fi author L. Ron Hubbard, is the best known example. But the Mormons, the Bao Dai Sect of Vietnam ( a locally politically powerful religion founded at the turn of the 20th centurey that combines Catholicism with east asian religions), and the American Black Muslims (whose theology has little to do with real Islam)have scripture that involves "other planets". In fact that almost HAS to be the case if you start a new religion these days. The traditional world religions all evolved before Copernicus and Galileo when everyone thought the sky was a big dome over the flat earth, and there wasnt even a concept of "other planets", or "outer space". But today any cosmology has to deal with the cosmology of modern astronomy in which the earth is not the center of the Creator's creation.


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14 May 2022, 11:34 am

At Core 'Religion' is What Bonds and Binds Humans
Together Though Mutually Understood and Consensually
Accepted Ideologies and Symbols Thereof As Human Social

Animals With
A Complex


To Create Symbols
And Even Record Collected
Art-i-Facts in Housings of Tools
And Abstract Constructs of Words

For What Works At Best Adapting
To Constant Changes of The Environment
At Hand to Survive and Even Thrive Together

iN JoY oF LiGHT,
Even Creating Fire
Together to Make Night into Day;

So It's True, Humans Create A Dogma
To Survive And Even Thrive Together
As Typically Apes 'Hairfull' or Less Are

Stronger When They Work Together
Like Other Social Animals too Who May
More Likely Bond Over 'Religion' Like Grooming

Each Other's Fur to Get Rid of Insects and Such

Or Like the Bonobos

Who Generally

Bond Over

Making Love For Peace
Hehe in a Most Original 'Biblical Way' Free...

Jesus F in Christ, Humans And All Their Religions
Are Fascinating, i Bet i Could Write 10.4 MiLLioN
Words About it and Even 1.6 MiLLioN Words in the
Last Almost 21 Months on the 'Wrong Planet' in One Solo Thread

Hehe, Oops i Already Did IT Again
As IT surely isn't A First Instance for me...

i'm Fascinating By Religion And the Interplay of Politics,
Power, And Overall Philosophy too As Every Thing We Do
AS Humans at Core is Moving, Connecting, And Co-Creating This Way...

There is the Dogma of Religion, Mostly For Surviving As Social Groups
Bonding and Binding Over Common Symbols and Ideologies And Then

There is Mystical

That Seeks
And Finds Within

Actual Feelings and
Senses in A Meditative
Flow of Life Where We Actually
LiVE iN Balance With All of Nature
And Each Other Naked, Enough, Whole, Complete

(Yes, What Some Folks Describe As An Experience of 'God')

THere Are As Many Paths As THere Are People Leading
to A Potential Heaven Within on Earth This Way Same as
A Real Purgatory to HeLL ON EartH in BLacK Abyss Ways of the

DarK Nights
to Years
to Life of
the 'Human Soul'
In Terms of All the
Feelings and Senses
in Life That Drive Us Forward
for Greater Human Potentials Fulfilled or NOT...

The Dogma of Religion For Mastery and Control of Other
Human Beings Becomes Much More Authoritarian And Strict
When Scarcity And Fear Becomes the Meme of Life For Basic Survival...

Look Around the World, Where There is Abundance, And Government
And Associated Politics Provides Substantial Opportunities For Humans
to Not Only Survive Yet Thrive As Technology Helps Us Become More Self-Reliant
On Tools Than Each Other And Even Ourselves As that Relates to our Current Day

Where So Many
Mother's No Longer
Breastfeed And Find
Now There is No Longer
As Much of A Tool That Culture
Creates As Substitute For All Naturally
As Born With Mother's Breast For A Most
Basic Subsistence

Of All,

The Prize,
The Future.
The Child
of the
Village Most


If Culture Provides
Subsistence Enough
From Birth to Death

Without even An Extended
Family to Lift Each Other Up Day to Day...

Yawn, Look Around the World, Organized Religion
Is Still Thriving Where Survival is Difficult And Scarcity
Prevalent Where Families Are Still Large As Nigeria is Predicted

To Eventually Have A Greatest Population of Any Country in the World in the
Future Where Other Countries With More Abundance of Technology Have Less Children

to Depend on
As Extended
Families For
Survival From Birth to Death;

And Yes, Nigeria is A Very Christian
and Muslim Country And A Very Rigid One Indeed
in Terms of Dogma And Exclusion of Marginalized
Folks Seen As Different From the Moral Dogma Like
Homosexual Folks As One Sees This Globally as Well too...

Other Than That And This, Religion And Politics is Used to Expand
Empires As My Grandfather A Once Irish Born Priest Working at the Vatican
in Legal Counsel Wrote A Book Still Well Referenced Titled "Behind the Dictator's"

Where the Catholic Church Provided Support to Dictator's Not Unlike the Demagogue
Trump Wanna Be Dictator of This Century And of Course The Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church
Now That Putin Uses to Justify An Expansion of His Empire too Using What He Describes As
The Immoral Sexual Practices of the West Even in His Speech for Justification to Invade Ukraine...

As Long As There is Scarcity in the World, Dogmatic Religion Will Rise to Master And Control
The Masses With All Their Fears, Misery, And Real Human Existential Suffering; Dogmatic Religion

Is Making A Come Back
in the US All the Way
From Politics
to the

Court and Church

As There Are Very Many
People Who LiVE iN Existential
Angst Just Waiting For Another
Authoritarian Savior to Lift them Up,

When/WHere They No Longer Have the Inner
Real Organic Mystical Tools to Do it THeiR Selves
Naked, Enough, Whole, And Complete Not Unlike A 'Sufi-Mystic'

Spiraling A
Moving Free
Dervish Dance As Planets
Revolve Around Stars in Balance

As Above So Below, See the Patterns,
Do the Patterns, Be the Patterns Free or Not in Balance...

Other than that 'Religion is Multiplying Like Bunny Rabbits'
Still In Countries Where Scarcity is the Rule Over Abundance

And Reliance
of Course

On Technology too...

There Are the Best of Days
Now For Those Who Master LoVE iN
Balance, Naked, Enough, Whole Complete in Peace ToGeTHeR,
Mastering the Tools Instead of Becoming Mastered By Them Now

As It's True Humans Can And Will Become Slaves to the Dogma of Religion
or the Religion of Tools (Science, Technology etc.); Yes, Choose YouR PoiSon Now

Or Set Yourself
Truly Free


As Far as i For ONE
Can And Will Feel
And Sense For Real Now More New..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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14 May 2022, 5:58 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
cyberdad wrote:
No but it will transform


I dont know that book, or what its about.

But that IS a trend. Newer religions do seem to incorporate more and more elements of science fiction into their theology. Scientology, invented by Sci fi author L. Ron Hubbard, is the best known example. But the Mormons, the Bao Dai Sect of Vietnam ( a locally politically powerful religion founded at the turn of the 20th centurey that combines Catholicism with east asian religions), and the American Black Muslims (whose theology has little to do with real Islam)have scripture that involves "other planets". In fact that almost HAS to be the case if you start a new religion these days. The traditional world religions all evolved before Copernicus and Galileo when everyone thought the sky was a big dome over the flat earth, and there wasnt even a concept of "other planets", or "outer space". But today any cosmology has to deal with the cosmology of modern astronomy in which the earth is not the center of the Creator's creation.

It’s a shame religions aren’t started by romance novelists.

That would be more fun.

I was thinking fantasy as well, but it’s intrinsically fantasy, so…

“Tú, que me lees, ¿estás seguro de entender mi lenguaje?” — Jorge Luis Borges


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14 May 2022, 6:10 pm

cyberdad wrote:
Pepe wrote:
Twilightprincess wrote:
Pepe wrote:
Twilightprincess wrote:
Maybe in a couple hundred years.

I won't be around to see it.
Damn! ;)

Nice to see you back, btw.

Thanks, but it’s temporary - an extremely brief relapse. I’ll touch base with my therapist on Monday.

You don't have to be insane to post here...
...but it sure as hell helps. :wink: <hug>

But it helps

And that’s something I admire, but I’m trying to focus on Other Projects, like world domination and improving my piano playing.

“Tú, que me lees, ¿estás seguro de entender mi lenguaje?” — Jorge Luis Borges

Last edited by TwilightPrincess on 14 May 2022, 6:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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14 May 2022, 6:15 pm

Depends also on how you define "organized religion". Myths that tell you where you belong (nationalism) are alive and well, and myths about how paradise on earth can be achieved (communism, capitalism) are alive, too, and myths about immortality (singularity, hope for scientific advances) are, too. They all have their respective organisations, large and small.
So, no, they're not dying. They just don't all self-identify as "religion".

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14 May 2022, 6:27 pm

shlaifu wrote:
Depends also on how you define "organized religion". Myths that tell you where you belong (nationalism) are alive and well, and myths about how paradise on earth can be achieved (communism, capitalism) are alive, too, and myths about immortality (singularity, hope for scientific advances) are, too. They all have their respective organisations, large and small.
So, no, they're not dying. They just don't all self-identify as "religion".

I think this will change as time goes on. People recognize political cults these days. I think it’s all related to tribalism. People like to think that their religion, country, or political affiliation/ideology is the best and treat these things with comparable reverence.

“Tú, que me lees, ¿estás seguro de entender mi lenguaje?” — Jorge Luis Borges


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14 May 2022, 7:41 pm

Twilightprincess wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
cyberdad wrote:
No but it will transform


I dont know that book, or what its about.

But that IS a trend. Newer religions do seem to incorporate more and more elements of science fiction into their theology. Scientology, invented by Sci fi author L. Ron Hubbard, is the best known example. But the Mormons, the Bao Dai Sect of Vietnam ( a locally politically powerful religion founded at the turn of the 20th centurey that combines Catholicism with east asian religions), and the American Black Muslims (whose theology has little to do with real Islam)have scripture that involves "other planets". In fact that almost HAS to be the case if you start a new religion these days. The traditional world religions all evolved before Copernicus and Galileo when everyone thought the sky was a big dome over the flat earth, and there wasnt even a concept of "other planets", or "outer space". But today any cosmology has to deal with the cosmology of modern astronomy in which the earth is not the center of the Creator's creation.

It’s a shame religions aren’t started by romance novelists.

That would be more fun.

I was thinking fantasy as well, but it’s intrinsically fantasy, so…

As would erotica.

Who’s better at math than a robot? They’re made of math!