munstead wrote:
Really good luck with this, but in the kindest possible way be prepared to face rejection from publishers and the general public. It's a very competitive market so publishers may not bite if you go down that route at some point. In terms of the general public, the risk with writing about oneself is that others may not find you as fascinating as you think you are! I'm saying this simply so you are prepared. I know a very talented writer that has so far only managed to get some limited success with being published in some low print volume magazines. I also have a friend form university who self published three novels (a trilogy) and it is still available from Amazon but the comments on the selling page are so harsh, criticising him and his writing ability, it must have really hurt him to read them. It's best to go in with 'eyes wide open' as they say.
Writing about oneself is the most original thing you can do, also it's supposed to be an autobiography type thing written in diary form.
I know I said I didn't mind some criticism from family I don't think my self-esteem will take harsh criticism from the internet. I know there are nasty trolls lurking around that think they can say anything they want and sometimes it's so harsh and hateful that it can be hard to ignore. As a sensitive person I struggle with dealing with personal criticisms.