There was never a global flood like in Noah story.
Back in those days the rainbow was used as God destroyed all that was detestable to Him as wherever He looked all he saw was rebellious people full of sin. God was going to wipe out all of mankind but he came across Noah and his family who were the only ones who were not rebellious before Him.
The rainbow was a symbol that Gods promise that he would never again flood the whole earth. (He did not say he would not send floods. The Bible says that inthe end times there will be a roaring and tossing of the sea along with many other fearful events as God sends judgement to the earth to give people a last chance to repent before Him).
I do not understand why Gods sign was chosen by the gay community. It could be they want to put God first in what they do? It is nice that they have adopted it as they can remember God and what He promised when they use His rainbow colours.
It is fascinating though to look at some of the features of the earth. An example is thr Grand Canyon where the theorythey had in the past where they stated it took millions of years to form has been found not to be true and they have found evidence of a huge volume of water gauged it out in a very short time. One of the reasons for this is the canyons width. The depth itself could be formed either/or. Is the width that was not accounted for in a millions of years theory, yet it fits the Bibles account of the great flood perfectly in having a lot of water carving out the channel of weaker rock in a very short time, but this is just one example of many scientifically proven examples of the existance of a world wide flood.
The best example of all is the ancient stories where tribes who had lived in total isolation for thousands of years were found to have passed down stories of a great worldwide flood, and this has been found right around the world from many different peoples. If there was no flood, the stories would not have been passed down.
Back in those days the rainbow was used as God destroyed all that was detestable to Him as wherever He looked all he saw was rebellious people full of sin. God was going to wipe out all of mankind but he came across Noah and his family who were the only ones who were not rebellious before Him.
The rainbow was a symbol that Gods promise that he would never again flood the whole earth. (He did not say he would not send floods. The Bible says that inthe end times there will be a roaring and tossing of the sea along with many other fearful events as God sends judgement to the earth to give people a last chance to repent before Him).
I do not understand why Gods sign was chosen by the gay community. It could be they want to put God first in what they do? It is nice that they have adopted it as they can remember God and what He promised when they use His rainbow colours.
It is fascinating though to look at some of the features of the earth. An example is thr Grand Canyon where the theorythey had in the past where they stated it took millions of years to form has been found not to be true and they have found evidence of a huge volume of water gauged it out in a very short time. One of the reasons for this is the canyons width. The depth itself could be formed either/or. Is the width that was not accounted for in a millions of years theory, yet it fits the Bibles account of the great flood perfectly in having a lot of water carving out the channel of weaker rock in a very short time, but this is just one example of many scientifically proven examples of the existance of a world wide flood.
The best example of all is the ancient stories where tribes who had lived in total isolation for thousands of years were found to have passed down stories of a great worldwide flood, and this has been found right around the world from many different peoples. If there was no flood, the stories would not have been passed down.
I was joking.
No, there was never a worldwide flood. Waterways have shifted as the continents have drifted apart and specific areas have experienced floods, but a worldwide flood is scientifically impossible.
“Tú, que me lees, ¿estás seguro de entender mi lenguaje?” — Jorge Luis Borges
Back in those days the rainbow was used as God destroyed all that was detestable to Him as wherever He looked all he saw was rebellious people full of sin. God was going to wipe out all of mankind but he came across Noah and his family who were the only ones who were not rebellious before Him.
The rainbow was a symbol that Gods promise that he would never again flood the whole earth. (He did not say he would not send floods. The Bible says that inthe end times there will be a roaring and tossing of the sea along with many other fearful events as God sends judgement to the earth to give people a last chance to repent before Him).
I do not understand why Gods sign was chosen by the gay community. It could be they want to put God first in what they do? It is nice that they have adopted it as they can remember God and what He promised when they use His rainbow colours.
It is fascinating though to look at some of the features of the earth. An example is thr Grand Canyon where the theorythey had in the past where they stated it took millions of years to form has been found not to be true and they have found evidence of a huge volume of water gauged it out in a very short time. One of the reasons for this is the canyons width. The depth itself could be formed either/or. Is the width that was not accounted for in a millions of years theory, yet it fits the Bibles account of the great flood perfectly in having a lot of water carving out the channel of weaker rock in a very short time, but this is just one example of many scientifically proven examples of the existance of a world wide flood.
The best example of all is the ancient stories where tribes who had lived in total isolation for thousands of years were found to have passed down stories of a great worldwide flood, and this has been found right around the world from many different peoples. If there was no flood, the stories would not have been passed down.
I was joking.
No, there was never a worldwide flood. Waterways have shifted as the continents have drifted apart and specific areas have experienced floods, but a worldwide flood is scientifically impossible.
So is a worldwide economic collapse financially impossible...
Back in those days the rainbow was used as God destroyed all that was detestable to Him as wherever He looked all he saw was rebellious people full of sin. God was going to wipe out all of mankind but he came across Noah and his family who were the only ones who were not rebellious before Him.
The rainbow was a symbol that Gods promise that he would never again flood the whole earth. (He did not say he would not send floods. The Bible says that inthe end times there will be a roaring and tossing of the sea along with many other fearful events as God sends judgement to the earth to give people a last chance to repent before Him).
I do not understand why Gods sign was chosen by the gay community. It could be they want to put God first in what they do? It is nice that they have adopted it as they can remember God and what He promised when they use His rainbow colours.
It is fascinating though to look at some of the features of the earth. An example is thr Grand Canyon where the theorythey had in the past where they stated it took millions of years to form has been found not to be true and they have found evidence of a huge volume of water gauged it out in a very short time. One of the reasons for this is the canyons width. The depth itself could be formed either/or. Is the width that was not accounted for in a millions of years theory, yet it fits the Bibles account of the great flood perfectly in having a lot of water carving out the channel of weaker rock in a very short time, but this is just one example of many scientifically proven examples of the existance of a world wide flood.
The best example of all is the ancient stories where tribes who had lived in total isolation for thousands of years were found to have passed down stories of a great worldwide flood, and this has been found right around the world from many different peoples. If there was no flood, the stories would not have been passed down.
I was joking.
No, there was never a worldwide flood. Waterways have shifted as the continents have drifted apart and specific areas have experienced floods, but a worldwide flood is scientifically impossible.
So is a worldwide economic collapse financially impossible...
No, that’s a false analogy. Science and economics are entirely different fields.
“Tú, que me lees, ¿estás seguro de entender mi lenguaje?” — Jorge Luis Borges
“For nearly two centuries there has been overwhelming geological evidence that a global flood, as depicted in the story of Noah in the biblical book of Genesis, could not have happened. Not only is there not enough water in the Earth system to account for water levels above the highest mountaintop, but uniformly rising levels would not allow the water to have the erosive capabilities attributed to Noah’s Flood, Montgomery said.
Some rock formations millions of years old show no evidence of such large-scale water erosion. Montgomery is convinced any such flood must have been, at best, a regional event, perhaps a catastrophic deluge in Mesopotamia. There are, in fact, Mesopotamian stories with details very similar, but predating, the biblical story of Noah’s Flood.” ... get-along/
“Tú, que me lees, ¿estás seguro de entender mi lenguaje?” — Jorge Luis Borges
Even though I expect people to reject this out of hand for being over an hour long even before they reject it out of hand for its subject and content I'm going to put it here.
It addresses the WHY for that flood.
And for a lot of other things.
But first, so the tl;dr crowd doesn't feel overlooked, a bit from YT's automatically generated transcript,
the first empire the empire of the gods
the angelic insurrection and subsequent genetic miscegenation that occurred in the earth preceding the
flood of noah will be repeated at the end of the age before the world is destroyed again
but this time by fire
"There are a thousand things that can happen when you go light a rocket engine, and only one of them is good."
Tom Mueller of SpaceX, in Air and Space, Jan. 2011
Well I was given a strange experience where I was turned into a Christian while practising Hinduism. It was as if a button was pushed and I suddenly believed the bible 100%.
So therefore I believe the biblical narrative, even though the predation of the flood narrative might seem to disprove it 100%.
The dating of the stories might be inaccurate.
If you are interested in historical evidence, Jesus is supposed to be accepted as a real person by historians .
I got prophecies where I'm supposed to be a religious leader soon
Even though I don't have a theology degree, see if that comes true.
If you take the King James literally then...the human race, the earth, and everything, were all created in one week in 4000 BC.
Then 1700 years later, in 2300 BC God staged a world wide flood that drowned the entire planet. It was deep enough to cover "the tallest mountains". So Everest (five and half miles tall) would have been covered up. The average depth of the oceans today is about three miles. But at the height of Noah's the now dry continents were under at least five and half miles of water, and the oceans would have averaged 8 and half miles deep. So the amount of water on the earth's surface tripled. But then...suddenly...the excess water all went away.
The humans and animals on the ark then repopulated the planet. But only had since 2300 BC to spread out across the earth, repopulate, and to differentiate in modern variants of the "basic kinds" of critters that Noah put on the Ark.
When Noah's ark came to rest atop Mt. Ararat (in what is now eastern Turkey)among the passengers of Noah's ark were creatures like the Australian death adder snake, and the inland taipan also of Australia (the deadliest venomous snakes on earth). As soon as the ark docked those two species sprinted from Mt. Ararat straight to the Continent of Australia- leaving no evidence of having ever lived anywhere in between mt. Ararat and Austalia. But became fruitful and multiplied and populated the continent down under once they got there. So Noah managed to stock Australia with death adders and taipans. But failed to supply Australia with cattle, ship, or chickens (creatures more useful to humans).
But screwing up the fauna of Australia was the least of his crimes.
We all KNOW that his Ark, which was identical in size to two world war two 450 foot long -eleven thousand ton- American liberty ships (mass produced cargo ships) lashed together side-by-side, could not really have been built by one six hundred year old man and five other people.
We all KNOW that he must have hired hundreds of carpenters, but paid for them on credit.
He had inside knowledge that everyone he owed money to was...about to die in a flood. So he paid for the needed thousands of man hours of carpentry on credit- knowing all along that he would never have to pay it back. We all know that thats how he was REALLY able to build the ark. Which means that Noah was an early practitioner of what we now call "insider trading". Lol! But the Old Testament chronicle glosses over that. LOL.
It depends on whether it's interpreted as the entire planet or the known world. How big was the known world in that region at the time? Would they have known about North and South American and Australia etc?
"More commonly known as the Babylonian Map of the World, the Imago Mundi is considered the oldest surviving world map. It is currently on display at the British Museum in London. It dates back to between 700 and 500 BC and was found in a town called Sippar in Iraq." ... 0in%20Iraq.
I wonder how much of the whole planet it covers. My guess is not much.
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I got a 2022 calendar of Far Side cartoons for Christmas, and one of the funniest cartoons on it has Noah pointing at some poop on the otherwise pristine deck of the ark and yelling at the animals. There's no caption but he might be saying something like "All right, which one of you did this!?" while the animals act all innocent.
Bull feathers!
If you're a Fundamentalist then you're not supposed to "interpret" it.
If the Bible says "it covered the world" then it covered the entire planet. If the Bible says it submerged every mountain then it was deep enough to drown Everest. And if the Bible says Noah saved two members of every species then that means two of every species...including the dinosaurs! Noah had to have wrangled dinosaurs, and save them from extinction so that they still must have lived (alongside mankind) after the 2300 BC Biblical flood. Thats what the "Ark Experience" theme park and museum are all about.
But obviously that IS a distinct possibilty that has been proposed by many with a less Biblically literal way of thinking. That the Biblical Flood was based upon a memory of an actual flood that effected the region of Mesopotamia.
We know that the Flood in Genisis is derived from the older flood myths of the Sumerians and Babylonians that involved Gilgamesh. Might have inundated the "World" as they knew it. But like most primitive peoples "the world" was the Delaware sized piece of land that their tribe, and its immediate neighbors lived on.
Bull feathers!
If you're a Fundamentalist then you're not supposed to "interpret" it.
If the Bible says "it covered the world" then it covered the entire planet. If the Bible says it submerged every mountain then it was deep enough to drown Everest. And if the Bible says Noah saved two members of every species then that means two of every species...including the dinosaurs! Noah had to have wrangled dinosaurs, and save them from extinction so that they still must have lived (alongside mankind) after the 2300 BC Biblical flood. Thats what the "Ark Experience" theme park and museum are all about.
But obviously that IS a distinct possibilty that has been proposed by many with a less Biblically literal way of thinking. That the Biblical Flood was based upon a memory of an actual flood that effected the region of Mesopotamia.
We know that the Flood in Genisis is derived from the older flood myths of the Sumerians and Babylonians that involved Gilgamesh. Might have inundated the "World" as they knew it. But like most primitive peoples "the world" was the Delaware sized piece of land that their tribe, and its immediate neighbors lived on.
Christianity is much older than the stereotypical "fundamentalist" you're referring to. It's another one of those broad generalizations that a Christian is a ignorant backwards backwoods hayseed.
The Bible should be interpreted in a way that reflects the people it was written to at the time it was written. That holds true of all ancient writings.
Genesis is the first written account of the flood. But it was most likely known orally and in greater detail way before that. So I think other accounts tend to verify rather than dismiss the possibility of it having been an actual event.
There's two ways to view something like this. Either how it could have worked or how it couldn't have worked. One of the biggest problems brought up, is actually one of the easiest to solve.
How could Noah fit dinosaurs onto the Ark? That's quite simple really. How big was
a newly hatched dinosaur? Or a dinosaur egg for that matter?
If all the animals were newborns and put in hibernation, the concept of the Ark becomes more feasible. But a lot of people seek to make the Bible as infeasible as possible. Because when it starts becoming feasible, then there's a chance of believing what is says is true.
And basically the Old Testament is about the coming of the Messiah, who is identified as Jesus the Chist (Christ meaning Messiah) in the New Testament. And if all that starts becoming a possibility, then people are faced with either accepting Jesus or rejecting him.
I thought the dinosaurs died off before the flood?
The flood was only a few thousand years ago, whereas the dinosaurs were millions of years ago.
God is capable of literally mind controlling people so putting animals into hibernation is nothing....although they were probably not in hibernation because they were being fed. Noah was told to pack food for them.(Genesis 6:21)
The Israelites were wandering around for forty years and their sandals didnt wear out (God himself pointed that out), that was a subtle miracle. I would imagine those type of subtle miracles happened on the ark.
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