Summer_Twilight wrote:
I have read that it's really common when someone either is not interested or loses interest will make plans just so they don't hurt he person's feelings and then bail at the last minute.
Yes, this has happened to me many times, so I'm very aware of when it's happening again
Summer_Twilight wrote:
2. I have talked about the mother and the autistic daughter in another post. Anyway, I associated with them and they were fake friends.
A. The autistic daughter would love bomb me one minute and then the next she would cut me down the next
B. Both of them invited me to their home one minute and told me they loved having me around and then the next they said I did things that bothered them.
C. The autistic daughter started trying to break up my other friendships by telling them things about me that were not true.
Those sound more like narcissists than autistic people.
That alien woman. On Earth to observe and wonder about homo sapiens.