Joe90 wrote:
1. I find it hard to use big words even in written posts, in other words my vocabulary isn't very
2. I find it hard to learn and memorize new facts or information. The only information I CAN remember well are birthdays, people's names and faces, things that happened in the past, stuff like that
3. I find anything to do with mathematics hard, even working out which buses to get at which times just makes
4. I don't understand much about politics even though I'd like to, but I just can't take in the new information. I t
5. I believe even the most far-fetched conspiracy theories that I'm told, until I'm reassured otherwise
6. I wasn't really into reading as a child and I could only read books aimed at younger children. I remember
7. I find it hard to keep up if a conversation is about difficult things like machinery or bus routes, but if the
But I'm not as intelligent as an Aspie should be.
You have never come off to me as unintelligent in ur posts! Some quick notes
1-5 are all related to memory! My memory is really crappy too, though in a kinda opposite way to yours, LOL
Possibly 6-7 too
Like that doc says, "If you've met one person on the spectrum, you've met one person on the spectrum"
Eidetic (photographic) memory is much rarer than the media would have us believe. Personally I have a good vocab and memory of words, but faces birthdays, other facts? Nope!
It also made me think I wasn't Aspie or on the spectrum cos I didn't like reading factual things, as opposed to stories. I was always annoyed at how much I forgot so I tended to read fiction way more, which helped with vocab, along with my parents deciding not to have TV from when I was eight onwards!
Big words are often used to obfuscate meaning (basically hide or blur) It is much easier to say nothing of substance using lots of big words, which is why politicians do it! It also means it is easier for them to say later, they didn't promise xyz etc.
a favourite quote of mine is attributed to many people, but basically:
"If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter"
Much harder to be clearer and convey concepts with fewer words, but more people are likely to hear the message.
"Weasel words" is another description of how politicians talk.
7. I think the majority of people are like that! Me:
machinery: yes maybe
bus routes: nope, nor directions in general
gossip: nuh
celebrities names or pics nup
fictional characters or books : YEP
Some music, tv films: yep, but not the actors, just the content!
IQ is a social and abstract concept, and does not mean intelligent, and IQ tests only measure one kind of intelligence.
IQ scores have also been proved to be neither a good predictor of either income, job satisfaction or success!
EQ or emotional quotient on the other hand is.
The good thing? It is much easier to increase your EQ than IQ, which also tends to favour people with western upbringing and rigid ways of thinking.
There are also other tests too, I believe, like Musical 'intelligence'.
One other thing that comes to mind is that many of us are good at telling when people are lying, and in fact that is one of the less obvious causes of ASD outburst or acting out in kids. We may not know what the truth is, but can sense we're being lied to or not given the whole picture, which than ramps up anxiety and fear levels so much we have to burst out somehow.
So maybe your superpower is inherently not trusting politicians or politics cos it is all such a big weaselly game of point scoring and fact tennis, and not actually much about improving people's lives or telling the truth.
Or I could be totally wrong!
The way to be happy is about earning lots of money, buying or stealing lots of things, or being intelligent, and definitely not about comparing yourself to others, it is about being content with what you have in the moment.
If only I could take that on personally more! But flaws and imperfection is what gives character!
I love sketchplanations btw because he is so good at using a few words and sketches to convey difficult and interesting ideas ... -pooh-bear
Drew, occasionally writing @
https://diverse4.meASD2, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression etc