Joe90 wrote:
I don't really understand what "social exhaustion" is. What is it and how does it affect you?
Imagine sensory overwhelm except in socializing.
And, running out of things to say in the process, shutting down or melting down into dysregulation.
That people became triggers to a particular overwhelm, though not the same as social anxiety does.
But more like a clutter of a chore that you'd hate to touch or look without feeling at least frustrated or tired looking at it.
But do so more often and carelessly, it'll be like a part of you deep down feels like really, really raw -- the same rawness one would feel if one had been scratching a particular part of their skin for hours kind of raw turned sensitive and painful to touch.
Maybe yours would take several hours a day to run out like mine does.
Try 15-20 hours straight going out with people all day -- see how if that can take you out. It's sort of like getting drunk and the outcome is literally named as 'social hungover'.
But be cautious -- it can lead to a short term burnout that strips the person's inner selective filters and defences honed for years along with other skills.
One that would take days or even months to recover.
The most common accounts here are introverts masking for no more than 2-8 hours a day. Kinda how or even why many couldn't do full time jobs.
Some can go as far as less than an hour a day and would take them days to recover.