I tend to follow legal rules, unless it does not make sense in the context I find myself in.
Trivial example: When walking, I always obey traffic lights because it is for my safety and it is the considerate thing to do for drivers.
The exception would be if there is absolutely zero traffic. Then I may cross the street against the light, but I still hurry. I don't don't run, because my knees do not allow me to run, but I walk quickly. It makes no sense that I feel I need to hurry, but I do.
I drive the speed limit.
Social rules are more gray to me.
Boys wear blue. Girls wear pink. I have always thought gender colors malarkey. That's another trivial example, but it is amazing how many people buy their grand kids color "appropriate" clothing or gender "appropriate" toys. (Now I'm getting riled up.) Rules about what males and females "should" do really gets me pissed off. One of my two best friends is like that. Boys to this and girls do that.
Another social rule is cleanliness. There are health reasons to be clean, but if I'm not going anywhere, I will not shower for days. I'll wash my face, hands, and other parts of my body, but that's just spot cleaning. I know I would be a bit stinky. If I am going out, the grocery store for instance, I always shower. I know body odor can be "socially" offensive, which I could give two hoots about, but I also know that body odor can by pungent. That's what I try to avoid. Tangent - Did you know that everyone has different body odor depending on the bacteria that live on their bodies? So people smell different, some better than others. I learned that from the Stuff You Should Know podcast (so you know it's true!).
I take good care of my teeth. I want to die with as many of my original teeth as possible. So far, so good.
If I were in a position to hide Anne Frank, I sincerely hope I would. When it comes to moral decisions like that, moral vs. the law, one always knows how they would like to believe they would respond, but one never truly knows until they are placed in that situation. Based on other moral situations I've found myself in in the past, I think I would hide her, but me being me, I would over think it in an effort to make it fool proof, and keep her and her family safe. I would be diligent about it.