Checkbox wrote:
KitLily wrote:
that sums up the problem of the world now doesn't it. Everyone is too busy online to support each other in real life

I don't really know, it depends on the people. Maybe.
For my personal case, I was alone long before I was online and before others were online. I certainly did my mid-late teenage years with the Internet, but I was not born with it.
Internet is probably an aggravating element in my situation but it is not the cause.
The cause is me and how I failed at social life: bullies that have ruined my schooling are only a consequence and Internet my answer to that.
The problem with Internet is just that people can afford horrible things a lot more because of being hidden behind their screens and let the relationships be disengaged.
Sorry to hear that
Before the internet came along, I had quite a lot of friends. I think they saw me as a weirdo but it didn't stop them being friends with me. I also had quite a lot of support and a social life.
As the internet took over our lives, my friends drifted away. It just seems too obvious to me to be a coincidence.
That alien woman. On Earth to observe and wonder about homo sapiens.