KitLily wrote:
Yes, there is evidence to show that the more light humans sleep with, the less their brains get to rest and recharge. It's only recently that we've had lights on at night e.g. streetlamps. Probably 200 years or so? Before then it was dark at night apart from the moon and stars. We need the dark to recharge.
Good point.
Have you ever heard of "First Sleep - Second Sleep" patterns? There are other names for the same thing.
Basically, instead of going to sleep for eight (or however many) hours straight, you sleep a while, say three or four hours, wake up for a while, and then go back to the sleep for the rest of the night. This was apparently a common sleep pattern before gas and electric lights.
In the period between first and second sleep, different people spent the time differently. Many people would contemplate their dreams or get a snack (origins of the late night snack?) or have sex or read or talk to their spouse or siblings or go to the bathroom. Some would even use the time to visit neighbors.
I have a nephew who goes to sleep at dark. He mentioned this to me a couple of years ago and was surprised that I was already familiar with it.
I do that sometimes, but not reliably.