Do you ever wish that there was a country run by autisitics?

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24 Apr 2024, 7:50 am

DuckHairback wrote:
I don't think segregating people by any attribute is a particularly good idea.

Not least because people seem to be almost endlessly divisible. You see this in any organisation - people group themselves by shared interest, shared endeavour or shared ideology and before long you'll have divisions within that group pulling in different directions. It's just human nature.

In an autistic society you'd pretty soon have different levels of autism defining themselves and then people saying, "Hey, wouldn't it be great if just us profoundly autistic people split off and made a country that perfectly suited us?"

You folks over there...who CLAIM to be're just "autistics in name only" you're not welcome.

In're HERETICS...and we have no choice but to ...bring out the COMFY CHAIR!


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24 Apr 2024, 9:33 am

Absolutely not.

dear god, dear god, tinkle tinkle hoy.


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24 Apr 2024, 9:44 am

All autistics do not have the same mindset and think the same


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24 Apr 2024, 11:47 am

Fnord wrote:
.....eventually turning into the kind of facility described in the OP's video.

Err.......what video?


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24 Apr 2024, 12:11 pm

ToughDiamond wrote:
Fnord wrote:
Society would eventually break down because no one would be able to overcome their olfactory sensitivities long enough to even collect the garbage.  Same for filling potholes with hot, stinky asphalt.  Other sensory issues would inhibit maintenance of other infrastructure systems, no doubt.

I thought the idea was a society run by autistics, not a society of autistics. If so, the NTs could be deployed for the smelly jobs. But my gut tells me something would go wrong. It couldn't be a democracy because the gov would be rather honest and therefore a NT party would win all the following elections. So it would have to be a dictatorship run by immense force. We'd have to be gods. Hang on, don't we often have a problem with authority figures? Hmmm........

IMHO, the best scenario would be how things are now, except with a much better ND representation.


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24 Apr 2024, 12:15 pm

IsabellaLinton wrote:

Nothing against autistics of course but they'd be pedantic, get hung up on tiny details, miss the big picture, have meltdowns, and disagree on everything because there'd be no hive mentality. They'd want everything a little too individuated which would cost a fortune in taxes.

It's hard enough in my house where everyone's autistic. It's difficult to be cohesive about anything.

There would be some good elements to it but I think the bad would outweigh the good.

Strong representation would be better, imo.

I'm in a household of two, and getting anything agreed to and done requires a lot of fighting because the missus won't ever cooperate. She's stuck doing what her parents say without any consideration for the outcome or recognition that it didn't work the last few dozens of tries. I've at least got the ADHD and OCD to help moderate that.

Best case for everybody would be more ND representation, not total control over government. As flawed as NT control is in some ways, it has gotten us where we are today.


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24 Apr 2024, 12:16 pm

MatchboxVagabond wrote:
IMHO, the best scenario would be how things are now, except with a much better ND representation.

That thought had crossed my mind, and I can't think of anything that would be better.


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24 Apr 2024, 12:55 pm

A world in which autistics were more powerless than they already are would be bad, even for the NT majority bc the word needs folks of different attitudes and aptitudes to function.

There are hopeful signs that the world maybe getting more autistic friendly. Private companies in IT even look for autistics as employees. And I am optimistic that the world find ways to build upon strengths of autistics as well as just tolerated the weaknesses.


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24 Apr 2024, 8:35 pm

IsabellaLinton wrote:

Nothing against autistics of course but they'd be pedantic, get hung up on tiny details, miss the big picture, have meltdowns, and disagree on everything because there'd be no hive mentality. They'd want everything a little too individuated which would cost a fortune in taxes.

It's hard enough in my house where everyone's autistic. It's difficult to be cohesive about anything.

There would be some good elements to it but I think the bad would outweigh the good.

Strong representation would be better, imo.

I tend to disagree. I have worked as middle management at several companies, and found my departments ran smoother and far more efficiently than most. I think we just need someone to check us every once in a while.

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24 Apr 2024, 9:28 pm

Cream_of_Wheat wrote:
IsabellaLinton wrote:

Nothing against autistics of course but they'd be pedantic, get hung up on tiny details, miss the big picture, have meltdowns, and disagree on everything because there'd be no hive mentality. They'd want everything a little too individuated which would cost a fortune in taxes.

It's hard enough in my house where everyone's autistic. It's difficult to be cohesive about anything.

There would be some good elements to it but I think the bad would outweigh the good.

Strong representation would be better, imo.

I tend to disagree. I have worked as middle management at several companies, and found my departments ran smoother and far more efficiently than most. I think we just need someone to check us every once in a while.

I agree with this assessment. Yes, they might disagree on everything, but people in general disagree on everything and still we learn to live with each other. If a lot of autistic people lived in one place, it would be the same situation--except skills for living in a world with other people would be taught in school instead of assumed, which I think many of us would benefit from either way.

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24 Apr 2024, 9:40 pm

It would be nice to have a country run by people who are rational and logical and not easily swayed by other people's opinions. That seems kind of utopian. But on the other hand, the art of compromise and making decisions that take various viewpoints and needs into account is also essential, and the inflexibility of many on the spectrum would not make for ideal diplomats and compromisers, I don't think.


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24 Apr 2024, 11:09 pm

ToughDiamond wrote:
Fnord wrote:
.....eventually turning into the kind of facility described in the OP's video.
Err.......what video?
Why . . . THIS one, of course . . .

;) (Explanation: I had several different websites open at the same time, and got them confused due to lack of coffee. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!)


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25 Apr 2024, 12:14 am

Fnord wrote:
ToughDiamond wrote:
Fnord wrote:
.....eventually turning into the kind of facility described in the OP's video.
Err.......what video?
Why . . . THIS one, of course . . .

;) (Explanation: I had several different websites open at the same time, and got them confused due to lack of coffee. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!)

Your confession was in such small letters that I nearly missed it. I was beginning to think I'd gone bonkers. But no, you were just a victim of cruel circumstances.


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26 Apr 2024, 10:27 am

IsabellaLinton wrote:

Nothing against autistics of course but they'd be pedantic, get hung up on tiny details, miss the big picture, have meltdowns, and disagree on everything because there'd be no hive mentality. They'd want everything a little too individuated which would cost a fortune in taxes.

It's hard enough in my house where everyone's autistic. It's difficult to be cohesive about anything.

There would be some good elements to it but I think the bad would outweigh the good.

Strong representation would be better, imo.

There are those who believe we should be cured of autism. Could it be possible that they're right and we should be cured? Should we ought to concede defeat on this? what has wrongplanet, asan, and all of these autism rights movements achieved? Is your life better now then it was 5 years ago? 10 years ago? 20 years ago? 30 to 40 years ago? For myself, I say no.

How have any of our organizations benefitted us in anyway? Personally, there just comes a time that one has to concede his point and accept defeat. My version of autism has caused me and others around me nothing but issues. Personally, I wish to be cured of this if a cure comes out.

No, I don't want a country ran by just autistic people but by people who are rational, moral, empathetic and fair.

This is not directed to just you but everyone on here.

And, if an autist nation or simply a small community could exist then we as members would have to compromise. Compromise our positions and give a bit of leeway for the community as a whole. And, we do sorta do it on here and agreeing to follow he rules here or suffer admonishments and punishments.

So, can we compromise?


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26 Apr 2024, 12:36 pm

cubedemon6073 wrote:
IsabellaLinton wrote:

Nothing against autistics of course but they'd be pedantic, get hung up on tiny details, miss the big picture, have meltdowns, and disagree on everything because there'd be no hive mentality. They'd want everything a little too individuated which would cost a fortune in taxes.

It's hard enough in my house where everyone's autistic. It's difficult to be cohesive about anything.

There would be some good elements to it but I think the bad would outweigh the good.

Strong representation would be better, imo.

There are those who believe we should be cured of autism. Could it be possible that they're right and we should be cured? Should we ought to concede defeat on this? what has wrongplanet, asan, and all of these autism rights movements achieved? Is your life better now then it was 5 years ago? 10 years ago? 20 years ago? 30 to 40 years ago? For myself, I say no.

How have any of our organizations benefitted us in anyway? Personally, there just comes a time that one has to concede his point and accept defeat. My version of autism has caused me and others around me nothing but issues. Personally, I wish to be cured of this if a cure comes out.

No, I don't want a country ran by just autistic people but by people who are rational, moral, empathetic and fair.

This is not directed to just you but everyone on here.

And, if an autist nation or simply a small community could exist then we as members would have to compromise. Compromise our positions and give a bit of leeway for the community as a whole. And, we do sorta do it on here and agreeing to follow he rules here or suffer admonishments and punishments.

So, can we compromise?

No, they're not. There are aspects that might be better cured, but on the whole, autistic people are a place for alternate pathways of neural development to crop up. Most of them won't be particularly better or worse than normal, but some may be and curing autism also means potentially cutting off developments that may prove to be important in the future.


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26 Apr 2024, 12:38 pm

No, I don't imagine a country ran by autistics would be somewhere I'd like to live.

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.