How does a woman flirt?
Love dares you to care for
The people on the edge of the night
Well, maybe if we don't necessarily act upon it. At least not to the most abhorrent conclusions. Maybe just to have some idea, like "this woman is doing this--she might be signaling interest", or "that woman is doing that, which might mean that I had better not approach."
Semen retentum venenum est
But they are so often wrong and promote sexism and toxic behavior to varying degrees to boot - all of which could negatively impact one’s chances with women. It makes more sense to talk to women directly about this stuff or engage with reputable, mainstream content.
Love dares you to care for
The people on the edge of the night
Here is an article ... ne.0229719
The ordinary rank and file men within the seduction community have been demonized by sections of the media, largely due to the activities of a few prominent PUA instructors. However, the present study uncovers much nuance and complexity in the reasons why men join the seduction community, as well as the impacts that involvement has on them. Most significantly, the study reveals that men join the community to address a range of psychosocial deficits, and that community involvement helps equip participants with a range of valued social and communication skills. This seemed to be especially beneficial for immigrant participants, who are overrepresented in the community. That said, there is a dark side to community involvement.
Nature abhors a vacuum. As such, it may be that young men are joining the seduction community in the absence of alternative male-focused and male-led tailored supports that can help them make the transition to adulthood. Thus, there is a pressing need for new and tailored initiatives (and accompanying research) to improve the mental health and well-being of young men, which can incorporate some of the male friendly approaches identified in this paper, minus the harmful practices and the emphasis on sex and seduction. Such efforts may help address the oft-ignored psychosocial problems plaguing a growing number of young men in our society.
There aren't a whole lot of options for men with psychosocial deficits. A little bit of PUA instruction might be helpful to some.
It makes more sense to talk to women directly about this stuff
An interesting idea, but I don't think that a lot of women are setting up classes to teach men how to pick up women.
or engage with reputable, mainstream content.
There isn't a lot. And, a lot of people might not find it to be particularly useful.
Semen retentum venenum est
I don’t believe in demonizing anyone, but I think it is important to talk about the problems with PUA sites and communities when the topic comes up because I could see how they might appeal to some disenfranchised people, just like how some Incel or far right movements do. Such groups harm both men and women. They also tend to overcomplicate things.
Looking for help from reputable sources and individuals is prudent, but reputable sources tend not to be PUA communities. Even the link that you posted from French Pickup Artist was problematic in a variety of ways.
We need to be moving away from the concept of seduction and from the sexist, demeaning views that often accompany it.
Love dares you to care for
The people on the edge of the night
! | Cornflake wrote: |
Using sources other than offensive and sexist PUA crap sites would be a good move and should find real-world examples. Those earlier links to such sites have been redacted. I don't think WP should assist with their further exposure. |
Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.
Here is another article ... men-flirt/
If a girl is highly interested in you, she would still try to hide it from you. This might sound strange to men, but it is absolutely normal for women and one of the flirting signs from a woman.
If she does strange things to conceal her feelings, she might be trying to avoid you. When a woman tries to avoid a man, she actually wants that man to ‘’notice’’ her avoidance.
Weird. If "no" means "NO!", then how is a man supposed to process this flirting technique?

Semen retentum venenum est
I wouldn’t try to process it because I don’t think it happens very often.
The vast majority of the time women mean what they say when they say “no,” and their behavior is a good indicator of their level of interest which makes sense from a logical standpoint. There’s typically no hidden agenda when they’re trying to avoid someone. Sticking with that assumption may be especially prudent for people on the spectrum.
Love dares you to care for
The people on the edge of the night
I realize that the author is a woman, but the article seems clickblaity and is lacking in evidence and research. It doesn’t even make logical sense. There are lots of reasons why a woman might avoid someone that have nothing to do with flirting. In addition to that, I think it’s important to listen to women and believe what they tell you which would include stuff like taking avoidance behavior and body language seriously. Failing to take women seriously with this stuff due to assuming they aren’t serious (or whatever) happens a lot, and it has a distinctly sexist flavor. Given how often it happens, many women deeply value when people demonstrate respect with this stuff.
I don’t think avoidance/hiding feelings would constitute negging, which is more about insults. With that being said, women engage in the same sh***y behaviors as other humans.
Love dares you to care for
The people on the edge of the night
Well, here is a scientific article which claims that we like women with a nice lumbar curvature ... via%3Dihub
Semen retentum venenum est
Here is the beginning of Chapter X so far. Did I capture female flirtation procedures? Does Marie seem nice and seductive? Am I appropriately sarcastic?
During the morning, Dominic arrived at the Fegelein household, with Marie, who wore a tight-fitting short dress with a low neckline that exposed the upper part of her breasts. Ronald, freshly bathed, hair combed, and wearing clean clothes, let them in. Ilsa, seated on the couch, was watching Ox News.
“Good morning, Ronald,” greeted Dominic. “Marie is here to clean your house. And your mother will be staying home to supervise.”
“That’s right,” answered Ronald. Ronald and Marie made eye contact. Marie’s eyebrows rose, and then lowered, as Marie and Ronald smiled pleasantly at each other.
“Okay, have a good day,” said Dominic. “Marie, I’ll pick you up later this afternoon.”
“Yes sir,” answered Marie, as her face briefly tilted upwards. Gazing again into Ronald’s eyes, she opened her mouth slightly, and drew her tongue over her lips. Then she strode confidently, in a flowing movement, towards the kitchen sink. Her breast brushed delicately against Ronald’s upper arm. “Excuse me”, she whispered into Ronald’s ear.
“Oh, no problem!” said Ronald. Marie giggled seductively as she tilted her head sideways, and tenderly fondled her exposed neck with her fingers.
When she reached the sink, Marie stood with one leg straight, letting the other leg loose, so that her hips were moderately inclined, and hiked her dress slightly. She raised one hand, to push her fingers through her hair. She arched her back, turned her head, and smiled at Ronald.
Marie grabbed and caressed the bottle of dishwashing liquid between her fingers, and then squirted some soap onto the sponge under the faucet. She then commenced washing the accumulated dirty dishes.
“Hey Ronald! Come and look at this!” said Ilsa, drawing her son’s attention to the television. “The Chief Executive Officer of the Jordan Pretzel Company has received death threats. They’ve firebombed a pretzel delivery truck. And someone was arrested who was trying to throw a brick through the company’s windows.”
“Wow! That’s awesome!” exclaimed Ronald, who quickly moved to sit next to his mother. He was thrilled to watch the coverage of the burning delivery truck. The ambulance had arrived, and paramedics used a stretcher to carry the wounded driver away from the wreckage. Reporters anxiously interviewed witnesses who were standing by. “That’s what good conservative patriots do!”
Semen retentum venenum est
I think the best way to be more attractive to women is to observe men that are of a similar type of man as yourself that have success with women and learn from that. I think asking women for advice on this is generally a bad idea.
English is not my first language.
Last edited by Cornflake on 27 Mar 2025, 4:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.: Removed some sexist generalizations
'Giggled seductively' seems an unusual choice of words. I'm not really sure how someone can giggle in a way that is seductive. To me, giggling would imply laughing giddily in a somewhat almost childish and carefree way. I could imagine it could be endearing but...seductive?
The part about the exposed neck would seem more apt if she was trying to flirt with a vampire.
Why the caressing of dishwashing liquid? Leave the kitchen items alone. It could do with some toning down.
I wrote this version because I'm bored:
He shuffled his feet. "I didn't say anything" Dominic replied. He adjusted his clothing and took in a deep breath. "It's just, well, I would have preferred if you had dressed a little more", he gestured as he searched for the word, "conservatively".
Marie smiled. "Ah, well you know me, ever the devout nun". She gave a mock curtsy. "Now, shall we?"
Dominic sighed. "Well, at the very least wear this", he took off his jacket and went to hand it over.
She raised an eyebrow.
"You're right, my mother would probably question things if you started wearing my clothes" said Dominic. He put his jacket back on. "Just promise me you'll behave".
Marie smirked.
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25. Near the spectrum but not on it.
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