You could probably make it as a journalist; there are techniques that people do use to put down their ideas. I find it extremely hard and difficult to put things in my own words too. But, basicaly, you organize your thoughts and ideas on paper or on the computer, that way it sits right in front of you (because most of us aspies think visually). Then, you find ways to plug those ideas into your essay or research paper, or whatever it may be. I think that people (especially us aspies) have trouble finding ways to express our ideas because some don't write them down on paper and try to picture it in a sentence. It may not be the case, but it's just a thought.
I'm 24 years old and live in WA State. I was diagnosed with Asperger's at 9. I received a BS in Psychology in 2011 and I intend to help people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, either through research, application, or both. On the ?Pursuit of Aspieness?.