Former Special Ed Teacher Offers Advice

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26 Aug 2005, 8:02 pm

It is amazing that people that are mildly on the spectrum are able to help people more severely on the spectrum. This is one of the main reasons I've considered the idea of possibly going into special ed. :)

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30 Aug 2005, 10:26 pm

Well, I got notified today that the job offer is official.
I will be working in the Gifted Program, grades 9-12.

Tomorrow I will have to find take a preemployment physical which invludes a tetinus shot,
and a TB test.

I will also have to have my finger prints taken.

As soon as those results back, I will be back in the classroom.

The last three years of my life have been an interesting journey, leading up to my Asperger's being diagnosed, and struggling to make peace with my past.

I was once asked by a parent of a child with Autism what the hardest part was.
We both agreed that it was not knowing.

Once I learned what made me different, I could learn how to life successfully with it.


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31 Aug 2005, 3:32 am

fantastic news, irishmic - congratulations! :D


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01 Sep 2005, 4:55 am

Thank You Vetivert

Boy is there ever a need for people with Asperger's in Special Education.

I had to sit through an inservice class yesterday on social skills training for people with Asperger's taught by an NT to a room full of NTs. (Yawn)

I felt like I was the only one in the room with an insiders view.

An early question: Does anyone remember being taught what a friend is?
I was the only one who raised their hand.
"Well our students need to be taught"
Really!! ! Oh boy, this is going to be fun. (Not!)

I remember scribbling NTs are wierd half way through the lecture onto the back of my handouts, and throwing them away when I was done. I really didn't need an outsider to tell me that people with Asperger's view the totality of the social world differently. As, I said earlier, I think I was the only one there who had an insiders view. So, I volunteered for every role playing game, and managed to keep my mouth shut. Believe me, there were times when I definately felt like I had swallowed enough BS for one day


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01 Sep 2005, 5:31 am

There is a need for persons with all types of disabilities in special education.

I see it from the point of view as a bus driver for a special needs bus route. I cannot understand how a teacher can feel good about themselves by embarassing a student in front of the whole school or how the paras can't just wait to get rid of the students when the bell rings or earlier if the bus arrives early (but can wait until the absolute last minute to pick up the children when they arerive at school).

Louis J Bouchard
Rochester Minnesota

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01 Sep 2005, 6:09 pm

I hear you LJ

My second year of teaching I had an Assistant who's daughter was parapalegic.
She had so many problems with the bus driver and aides.
Her daughter needed special attention, and people seemed reluctant or at the most half hearted about helping her. Frequently the driver would just drive on by without stopping.

I trust from your post that you care deeply about the students you drive to and from school.

I hope that you never lose that.


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07 Sep 2005, 8:48 pm

So glad I checked this out.
Now I have some hope. I have been documenting my problems at work in the fighting for my job forum. I saw this and finally looked at it. I went to the website and guess what? They have pot-docs! I have a PhD in psychology and am stuck because of my poor social skills. What I need more than anything else is the confidence I get from succeeding at something.
I am going to apply for the post-doc. I don't care if I get it. If I finish the application it will mean that I can do others if need be, and that I have a ladder out of this hole!
Thanks you thank you thanks you thank you thank you thanks you thank you!

And congratulations.

Raised by Wolves

if you are going through hell, keep going.
Winston Churchill