Skibz888 wrote:
Rush undoubtedly influenced progressive metal, but most people would not categorize them as such. The majority of Rush fans don't even categorize them as "metal".
I'd actually even hesitate to label Rush a "progressive rock" band; their '70s output, sure, but since the release of 'Signals' in 1982, they way dialed back the progressive elements in favor of more conventional song structure. They'll throw in the odd time signature here and there, but the days of their lengthy multi-part epics are long gone.
Thanks for that! I was trying to think of bands I have heard, that I could hear elements of both, however, I am completely useless, when it comes to what is officially known as "Metal". I am a fan of 'Bauhaus'. There is a Bauhaus album called Crackle that consists of what I hear as Metal infused with elements of other styles/genres, but, someone who is into Metal, or highly knowledgeable regarding the genre, would perhaps laugh at the fact that I hear it is as a type of Metal, or maybe, not. I have never been that into Rush, although, I think they are/were incredibly talented. They were the band that came to mind, when I tried to fuse together the two genres, anyway.. I'm rambling.. thanks for your explanation/input!