Pithlet wrote:
The term "ret*d" as a noun is derogitory regardless of the context. Even applied to mentally ret*d people, "ret*d" is used in a insulting way rather than an informative way. For that reason saying mentally ret*d or delayed is not the same thing. Just like the "N" word, it's not the meaning of the word that's so offensive, but the common attitudes and intentions of the people who used it in a hatefull or disrespectfull way. I don't think anyone who calls someone else a ret*d is being sensitive or respectfull, whether or not the person they are directing it at is mentally ret*d.
Also, even with LF autistic people, assuming they are ret*d in the traditional sense is highly debatable. Many years ago deaf people were also called dumb simply because no one tried to communicate with them in a way that they could process. Deaf people may be disabled, but most are not dumb. In the same way, I don't think most autistic people are ret*d.
As an LFAer,am was and still do get labelled as ret*d [even by parents], people mainly judge am as ret*d from non verbalism, having no sense of danger,accute meltdowns and rocking,these are not an intelligence thing,but they're constantly associated anyway.
And there are people [people who have had years of disability training] who still believe in the 'deaf means dumb' crap,at the LD institution am used to live in,one of the staff was always referring to one of the other autie ladies [who was profoundly deaf from birth] as being 'deaf and dumb',she was definitely not 'dumb',and she was very good at things like drawing but they never encouraged her strengths because they refused to see them.
It is almost impossible to judge retardation on an autie unless it's profound,even sensory extremes can make an autie seem ret*d,are still a long way off Autism understanding from both professionals and public.
As for person who called autistics ret*ds,it would seem it's better to be a "ret*d" than to have his level of 'profound ignorance'.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
>>>help to keep bullying off our community,report it!