My understanding of my surroundings is my alpha and omega and i would never call myself a nihilist.
First of all i would like to define science as the systematized study of the surroundings (or everything for that matter).
About morals. Moral is a way to relate to the surroundings, thus the very idea of science comes after the idea of morals, and thus is a part of morality.
This specific part of morality aims to explain everything, some scientificly minded persons would like to claim that some areas goes beyond the domain of science.
I would like to prove them wrong. Morals is different for all cultures and persons yet there is some themes that are general for all cultures and the world.
These themes and their variations is the study of both the fields of antrophology and philosophy and sometimes it is required for further specific studies in other
other humanistic sciences. For example: The banking-establishments of europe was at first held back by the church who thaught that one should not recive more
from ones brother than one had given him to begin with. If you had lend your brother a sack of grain to survive the winter you would be exploiting his missery
if you wanted back two sacks of grain the following winter. This was not the cause when the bankiers lend a sum to an industrialist for the later to
invest. The industrialists wanted bankiers interested in lending them capital and the bankiers naturaly wanted to be alowed to earn interest for their lending
a sum of capital wich they could have invested themselves. These two ideas of morals inevitibly clashed, driven by the economic factors that lead to the
industrialisation of europe. The church naturaly lost the battle because it´s wiev was unsuitable for the new condition. Interest was alowed. One can see the
same type of phenomena in saudi-arabia where the banks do not take interest but fees, the system is almost indistinguishable from the interestsystem but because
of the prophets explicit forbiding of interest they don´t call it interest.
Thus we conclude that the morals of a society is changed if it´s economic system is changed and to a much extent the moral of a society affects the
economic system. (For further readings on this issue i would recomend the book "The Wealth Of Man" by Leo Hubermann).
Furthermore morals is not a static platonic idea but it is dynamic allthough based on certain laws. The study of these laws is so complex that it would require
a merging of the humanistic sciences to do it. This merging i belive is not posible within the boundaries and traditions of the current western (or any) society.
What i am talking about is a total reshaping of how we wiev scienctific study and learning. Science is not built by certain great individuals but it is built
by humanity! To exclude people from the collective learningprocess is contra productive. If we take any person in my class for example. They are all idiots.
Yet i belive that with proper education from childhood any one of these persons could have contributed a great deal to science of today. With proper education
i believe that any group of small children could compliment each others differences and make as big a contribution to science as a Nicholai Tesla or an Albert Einstein
Nuts to you, I've just recieved funding to start work on my high tech Soul-O-Meter which will make me millions!!
You just put the finger on the big issue. If my bigbrother died i would not grieve over losing connection to some form of astral body or soul. I would grieve over
the loss of a person to talk to, wich i have grew up with. There would be an emptiness in my life. This emptiness would go away if i learnt to know someone else
i could talk to. Not because of the soulconnection being able to reconnect to a different object but because the behaviour in my brother would somewhat replaced
by this person C´s behaviour. The differences betwean persons is more like a pattern than a unique soul created at birth. If you want to be unique; you still are
if we could fully explore a persons mind and create an artificial copy of the same i do not think it would even be desireable. It would be like counting the rocks
on Mount Everest.
I don´t know if i have contributed with something meaningfull to the discusion. I do that some times, go on and on about subjects wich no one cares about
. I will return to this subject but now i will play Civ IV (im seriously addicted).
Fun to polemise (is that the english word), about an isue i have dealt with at a more general level for some time, for the first time.
My wiev of the matter is influenced by Robert M. Pirsig´s thaughts presented in
"Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintance" and "Lila, An Inquiry Into Morals".