Yes, although mine has some diversion from the "classic" form. I see color linked to timbre instead of pitch, and I see both color and forms/shapes to musical compositions and words/speech.
I also see a muted orange-red haze if I feel heat suddenly, and very bright white is I feel cold suddenly. Changes in temperature can cause me to see various colors, and I can often pinpoint the temp outside by what hues I see.
Another thing is I see a faint purple haze or purple dots with white halos when I'm around things that have a strong EMF. Sometimes being near other electronic device can cause me to see these dots or see shimmering white lines. Flourescent light fixtures, especially if they whine, make me see orange dots. Touching or being near power cable make me see blue horizontal lines. The closer the object, or the more powerful the device, more intense my experiece.
On occasion I've had other tactile synesthesia experiences, but they've been inconsistant. Mood effects my synesthia a lot too, as I suffer from chronic depression. The more depressed I am, to less intense my synesthesia.