I would date someone who was trans, but probably only an FTM who was passable. I am a man, and I am gay, so the female body does not appeal to me. I like masculine men. But I don't need that person to have a penis, necessarily. There are plenty of toys that can mimic a penis well enough that I don't think I'd miss it. My partner is male, and we use toys quite a lot because they are fun.
I would certainly be happy to be close friends with an MTF trans woman, but it would not be romantic. It would be the same as if she was a biological woman; I don't have an interest in being romantic with them, but I am happy to be friends. I think Buck Angel is sexy because he is so muscular and has a masculine attitude and energy. That is what I am attracted to.
I know at least two internet friends who identify as strait men but who would prefer to date a woman who had a penis. They are attracted to the female physical body, but they also enjoy getting 'pegged.'
You don't need to hide, my friend, for I am just like you.