Was told by two different men unknown to each other...told me i saved their lives...And pretty sure under the circumstances got the impression they were serious. . . When younger started and ran 2 successful small business out of a garage ,inspite of physical disability.. Successfully for 15 years .. Using forced masking skills as a youth . Flown and survived 2 forced landing
including maintaining survivability of one of the light plane accidents. Thank heaven the instructor actually that taught me , Prepared me for avoiding "fatal " all crashes . Accidental electrocution 2x, 2 life ending vehicular crashes
as told by doctors to my mum.Many years apart, And subsequent very long rehab after short term coma.One resulting in permanent physical disability One murder , complete loss of family , and much earlynaivete!.potentially deadly interaction with police& sheriffs due to irresponsible Park conservation officer,and mistaken identification. During a breif daytime pleasure excursion with a male friend.Guns and shotguns. aimed in public of over 25 officers .Many many interactions with Psychopaths .( Most times unscathed.) Including 2 seperate lawyers and a group of public prosecuetors whose psychopathic friend was a neighbour,at the time, where we lived ,i unknowingly offended somehow in a smaller town that was attached to a much larger county Prosecuetors office .
Developed at least one property , (In a remote area.). Not tooting my own horn here just sharing some experiences
Several Major earthquakes aswell .
Diagnosed hfa
Loves velcro,
where ever you go ,there you are